Mark, People often go back in forth in religion as a matter of...

Bizarre says...


People often go back in forth in religion as a matter of changing their mind for whatever the reason but a government system cannot change that easy or as often.

As a kid I seen a guy name Bachon left voodoo for Christianity after committing hard core crimes and I seen some left Christianity for voodoo in order to commit crimes.

You sound like the white Americans saying Obama cannot be president because he is and black man can't govern the country.

Haiti's politic is dirty because of all the crimes and corruptions but corruptions and crimes will have to be eliminated by some one who has Godly principles.

Government is often shape by the leader's principles and integrity not personalities such as Haiti's past leaders.

Looking at Haiti's past not single government leaders has been neutral to the country and no government leaders ever establish any systematic in Haiti.

What we need is a Godly base systematic on the truth for the entire country to function regardless of your religion or faith.

And it needs to base on Godly morals not voodoo morals because voodoo has too many cruelties in Haiti for the past 204 years.

Let's start comparing voodoo events within Haiti, and Christian events within Haiti.

According to research voodoo in Haiti is responsible for more crimes in killing and hurting people by the use of the government and individuals.

The topic is: My Prayers Over Haiti Tonight!!!
This is a reply to Msg 16516
Posted by Bizarre on August 16 2009 at 10:05 PM

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Bizarre, You said "You are always saying things that are irrelevant and distorted to the debate because you are protecting yourself interest and not Haiti’s interest." I laughed so hard that almost wet my pants. What self-interest that I am pro > >
Tiba, 16-Aug-09 6:13 pm
Yes Mark taht was a good point. We need to have political and economical classes for the politicians. Politics must no longer be an art of stealing, "rempli poche" but a tool for the better ment of the people. That is what I teach people from the > >
Latousen, 16-Aug-09 6:28 pm
Tiba, Here is what I think. I am not here to defend sins of any kind because I am a man of faith and morals. Sure poverty has many sources and roots but for Haiti poverty’s root is voodoo by leadership of choice. We can punish many sins by la > >
Bizarre, 16-Aug-09 6:39 pm
Tiba I have some to say about that I have medical Doctor friend of mine in Mexico who told me that Brother if we can not eliminate the practice of voddo in the country at least we have to find ways to regulate it. Tiba when a Pedophile priest or > >
Latousen, 16-Aug-09 7:19 pm
Bizarre, the business of politics is a dirty game. I am not sure if a Godly man would have the stomach to withstand the day to day corruption of the Haitian government. The kind of leadership Haiti needs would require someone to come in and start mak > >
Mark, 16-Aug-09 8:12 pm
Ana downgraded to a tropical depression. Now lets pray for bill to do the same. (Notebookblogz Haiti) > >, 16-Aug-09 9:26 pm
Mark, People often go back in forth in religion as a matter of changing their mind for whatever the reason but a government system cannot change that easy or as often. As a kid I seen a guy name Bachon left voodoo for Christianity after committin > >
Bizarre, 16-Aug-09 10:05 pm
Bizzare, I think you just changed gear on me a little bit here. From the beginning to this point the debate you and others have brought up was about "voodoo worshiping" by the people in Haiti. You're now talking about the promotion of Haiti to t > >
Tiba, 17-Aug-09 8:07 am
RE: This vodoo sh.. has to go for Haitians to be free Bizzare, I am against all religion--including Voodoo. I believe in God, but I think that his name has been used by various religions to promote their personal agendas. In human histor > >
Linda, 17-Aug-09 6:37 pm
Linda, Happy to hear you believe in God and not the devils. I agree voodoo is not powerful but it can be harmful to the weak. And yes Haiti needs more jobs to keep people busy and away from having to much time on their hands to harms others. > >
Bizarre, 18-Aug-09 12:03 pm
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