Bizarre, I am not a biblical scholor, but isn't there a...

Tiba says...


I am not a biblical scholor, but isn't there a passage/verse in the bible that says "Aide-toi et le ciel t'aidera (Help yourself and heaven will help you)?

Why do religious fanatics believe so deeply in God to solve ALL of their problems and also waiting on God to fix ALL the problems of Haiti and the world while standing on the sidewalks with their arms crossed and doing nothing?

Bizzare, I too, am a christian but I know that I have to do the leg work to get what I want and what I need and not waiting with my arms crossed for God to get it for me. Don't you agree?

If you guys, the rightious religious, who believes in God so much and have been praying for decades that God change Haiti and still nothing happens in this 2009, isn't a sign telling you guys maybe God is pissed off at your laziness for refusing to get to work and therefore he (God) has given up?

Bizzare, wouldn't be much better if all of the religious zealots move back to Haiti and get their hands in the mud and really get involved?

Remember that you have to walk the walk and talk the talk like Jesus did. According to the bible in judgment day, God is not going to ask you how many times you went to church, how well could you recite the entire bible, and how much preaching did you do, but rather he is going to ask you how much did you for Haiti, how much did you use yourself to bring change in Haiti, etc. etc...

This a common trait characteristic that all religious fanatic share.

For example, you meet a religious woman who is single, right?

Let's say you ask the question why are you still single?

Their common asnwer always is, well, "I don't need to go out there looking.

I am waiting on the Lord to send me the right man" as if a man will walk off the streets and knock on her door and says, "here I am, God sent me to marry you." And that's how the religious zealot Haitians perception is about changing Haiti.

All of these religious fanatics, and sometimes, extremists are a bunch of "passive-aggressive" who are living in "lala-land" very detached from reality which led me to believe ALL of them are schizophrenic.

Let me inform you all religious people out there that the good Lord is never going to come down from heaven and fix Haiti for us. We have to be the ones doing it using our hands, helbows, and our heads.

Bizzare, this is the reality of the situation that we are faced with and there is no but, if, and well.

God can only give us guidance, protection and courage through prayers to clean up the streets of P-A-P but he is NOT going to do work for us. You and others can read the entire bible and spend 2 or 3 hours praying but at the end you would have to leave the bible on the table so we can grab the shovels and the wheelbarrows or the garbage trucks to do the cleaning ourselves.

We need to wake up and stop living this fantasy that God is going to fix Haiti for us. If after all these years of prayers and fasting God still doesn't fix the problems of Haiti, and in fact things just keep gatting worse and worse, that makes me to believe either God is a racist who is discriminating against Haitians, or God doesn't care one bit about Haitian praying to him, or God doesn't hear our prayers, or God just doesn't give a rat *ss about Haiti period.

So, which is it?

The topic is: My Prayers Over Haiti Tonight!!!
This is a reply to Msg 16482
Posted by Tiba on August 16 2009 at 11:49 AM

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Bizarre It is beautiful prayer except for the part that says "As a righteous man of God" I am asking the stop of all voodoo practices in Haiti." The "As a rightious man of God" part really makes you sound as "delusional" according to psychopa > >
Tiba, 16-Aug-09 9:12 am
Tiba, Righteousness simply means to be in right standing with God. It means you are honoring Him and following His ways. I am not saying that I am a perfect man because only God is perfect but I am a righteous man because I live right and I see > >
Bizarre, 16-Aug-09 10:06 am
Bizarre, I am not a biblical scholor, but isn't there a passage/verse in the bible that says "Aide-toi et le ciel t'aidera (Help yourself and heaven will help you)? Why do religious fanatics believe so deeply in God to solve ALL of their prob > >
Tiba, 16-Aug-09 11:49 am
Tiba, I’ve giving you the word of God without prejudice in my prayers for Haiti/Haitians. Haiti’s problems are of spirituals and practical and the reality is both are needed in order to be successful and prosperous. Haiti mainly practices vood > >
Bizarre, 16-Aug-09 1:02 pm
Bizzare, Why do you keep hanging on the "Righteous" term when I thought we had moved on to the next debate? You are now showing the typical religious fanatism attitude. You cannot argue nor respond to anything in my last message therfore you > >
Tiba, 16-Aug-09 3:34 pm
Tiba, There’s a difference between followers and leaders the same as few and all. 204 years Haitian leaders dedicated Haiti to the devils/voodoo and the people follow that foot step, and that is what I am addressing. Today Haitian leaders need > >
Bizarre, 16-Aug-09 4:35 pm
How many people throughout history who have killed and died in the name of religion. Humanity for centuries invoked Gods name in order to commit the most egregious of criminal acts. All this only to cover up their true intentions of amassing power > >
Mark, 16-Aug-09 4:48 pm
Mark, You’re right and I agree to disagree on some of it you’re saying. Preval/Aristide practice, promote and force voodoo in Haiti as presidents and so was our past leaders. And that was and is wrong for them to do. We need a man of Godly mo > >
Bizarre, 16-Aug-09 5:17 pm
Bizarre, Yes, I did say that I did not want to get in Haitian politics because I don't want to die to voodoo, picks, or manchettes. And so what is your point? Just because I don't want to die to voodoo does that means I want it banned and get rid > >
Tiba, 16-Aug-09 5:28 pm
Tiba, Preval/Aristide practice, promote and force voodoo in Haiti as presidents and so was our past leaders. And that was and is wrong for them to do. Haitian government don’t need to promote, endorse, and force people to practice voodoo like > >
Bizarre, 16-Aug-09 5:52 pm
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