Concern haitian I don't think you really a concern haitian...

Marie says...

concern haitian I don't think you really a concern haitian because what you have been said on haiti.

I live in us for long period of time I would not let my girls going out by themshelves because I'm scare of them being kidnap or rape. look at the u.s statistic to see most of the crime commited are from people from other country that I don't want to mention.

Watch america most wanted and you will give the statistic.

Actually my daughter is taking a class on slavery you won't believe how many industrial country have a high % of sex slave contrarely to hait those people did on their own.I wish that you return to your perspective on what you post on haiti.

The topic is: Dominican behaded an Haïtian on 05-01-09 in D.R.
This is a reply to Msg 14538
Posted by Marie on August 14 2009 at 3:35 AM

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Normally I would take your argument seriously but frankly I would be doing myself a disservice. You are so delusional so mentally twisted that you failed to realized that you are the one who's blinded by prejudice. Do you even know what prejudice mea > >
Philippe, 13-May-09 2:45 pm
I was leaving but my friend stopped me. Who is delusional here? Who is in denial here? Who cannot face the thruth and realities of Haiti in 2009 here? I do not know about you or your age group but I made the statements base on my knowledge of the Hai > >
Concerned Haitian, 13-May-09 3:05 pm
I see you have a pathetic autobiography.I will recommends that you take this manuscript to book company for publication.I have better thing to do.Send your next masterpiece to someone else. Truly > >
Pierre F. Lherisson, 13-May-09 8:57 pm
I'm not sure you can say that ours country should not be bothered with Haitians, cause if it wasn't for Haitians we probalby wouldn't be a nation gaining our independence as early as we did. HAITIANS liberated us many times in history. Yet they wer > >
Concerned Dominican, 11-Aug-09 1:16 pm
concern haitian I don't think you really a concern haitian because what you have been said on haiti.I live in us for long period of time I would not let my girls going out by themshelves because I'm scare of them being kidnap or rape. look at the u.s > >
Marie, 14-Aug-09 3:35 am
Of course it's NOT the Dominicans' fault we are in this mess. What the hell do they have to do with us? Right? Don't be a delusional Haitian now. See, if the D.R is where it is now Haitians put it there. I'll say it again: IF THE DOMINICAN REPUBL > >, 14-Aug-09 10:46 am
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