Nouveau sondage sur Paul Farmer et Deputes
Stanley Lucas says...
Nouveau sondage
Est-ce que la nommination de Paul Farmer comme adjoint de Bill Clinton est une a. bonne nouvelle?
b. mauvaise nouvelle?
Est-ce que les deputes doivent reprendre la seance sur le salaire minimum?
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Posted by Stanley Lucas on August 13 2009 at 2:12 PM
Messages in this topic
In Haiti, Jean Bertrand Aristide used violence, corruption, and drug trafficking for profit coupled with electoral manipulation in 2000 in order to carry out an autogolpe. He also failed due to popular protests and had to resign in 2004. And in Venez > >
Diaspora, 13-Aug-09 2:27 pm
The way I se it, I think MINUSTAH should drag the disgrace, drunkin, incomptent and mediocre Preval's *ss out of office and instal Bill Clinton as president and Paul Farmer as prime minister. I know many of you out there are too impaired to acknow > >
Tiba, 13-Aug-09 5:49 pm
Tiba, you may be on to something here. This is the first time that I think you are speaking the gospel. If those two were in the top two leaderahip position within the same year Haiti would see remarkable changes. There would be a flood of Haitian th > >
Mark, 13-Aug-09 9:08 pm
It will be a blessing if Dr. Paul Farmers play an importat roll in haiti. First of all Dr Paul is haitian with all his heart.not because he was born in haiti because he love and continue to love his wife country.Aplaud Dr Paul for the development > >
Ashly, 14-Aug-09 2:37 am
Medical Anthropologist and physician Paul Farmer has dedicated his life to treating some of the world’s poorest populations, in the process helping to raise the standard of health care in underdeveloped areas of the world. A founding director of P > >
Nyc Dark Knights, 15-Aug-09 10:22 am
Dr. Paul Farmer is one of the few honest and upstanding man (of any race) left on this planet. Anyone who reads his books on Haiti quickly realizes that the man has a keen understanding of Haiti and its citizens. Whatever he decides to do for Haiti w > >
Linda, 15-Aug-09 7:56 pm