areas of improvement
Betty says...
Decentralization as Mr Charles has said is the key. The basic needs of the Haitian population have not been satisfied..
Those are the issues we need to focus on. Not about some mispelled words from a compatriot.
If anyone is willing to do the correction, do it. Let's not insult each other.
This is a reply to Msg 16
Posted by Betty on March 8 2007 at 11:42 AM
Messages in this topic
If you want to visit my work in Haiti, feel free to let me know, I will put you in touch with the people responsible in Haiti. I command you in working in Port-de-Paix this is well needed. I was in Haiti in July when you hear about the kidnapping on > >
Jolibois Selondieu, 29-Jan-07 2:23 pm
Port De Paix is my home area and in the next couple of years I will be working my way down to other department. I have couple of water project that I will be looking at in June also. Many areas right outside of Port de paix. People have to work more > >
Jean Batiste, 29-Jan-07 3:05 pm
Son Excellence, J'ai besoin de tes discours depuis votre passage en 1995 ou 1997 suivies des discours de 2007. Merci de votre aide. Excuse de vous avoir importune mais s'est pour un devoir. Merci et bonne chance avec le Pays et les membres du Gouve > >
Nana, 8-Feb-07 3:53 pm
wow,that 's all i could say, one man is not the answer for Haiti. until, we Haitian,as a nation look deep inside ourself and realize that we have to change our mentality,we need to question ourself as individual.until we can ask ourself those basi > >
Gogo, 23-Feb-07 5:06 pm
I hope u're not the gogo I know, who first went to Canada. We need to give this debate a higher level of what ifs: We, f....... diaspora. are always about the tone and there is only one tone, the sounds of the drums: Do whatever u can to save this > >
Alman Manman, 25-Feb-07 3:23 am
well maybe i am not the gogo you used to know, but what if am.what does that have to do with my point of view.well you said something verry powerfull, " the sounds of drums"well you should know that our slaves ancesters used the drums for political g > >
Gogo, 25-Feb-07 3:20 pm
Decentralization as Mr Charles has said is the key. The basic needs of the Haitian population have not been satisfied.. Those are the issues we need to focus on. Not about some mispelled words from a compatriot. If anyone is willing to do the correct > >
Betty, 8-Mar-07 11:42 am
Hi' everyone My name is Angee,I would like a to add a sample word we need to put ourselves together for a better Haiti.Haiti used to be La perle des Antilles, we can make it happen again by cleaning the environment and work with the department of > >
Andrise Bass, 15-Apr-07 3:55 pm
Parce que le mot "Ti" est pejoratif. Cela donne une impression de petitesse et pour un chef d'Etat, je trouve ca irrespectieux. Ce que j'aimerais dire aux prophetes de malheurs, c'est de faire en sorte que Haiti ne retombe pas a nouveau dans son pas > >
Decosse, 14-May-07 9:53 pm
hallo a tous le monde, moi aussi je veux rentre, parce que je vis a reublique dominicaine depuis 5 ans, je sais comment es la vie ici, je n'etudie pas, je suis wousewife, alors j'attends vos reponse > >
Betina, 4-Oct-07 2:01 pm