Zac I can understand your frustration as a young 22 year old...
Angie says...
Zac I can understand your frustration as a young 22 year old At that age I was a recalle 2 times in philo.
I do not try to put you down with your dream.
however I like to see young like you who wants to involve in their country.
Haitian mentallity is santi.
1st of all if you got there and try to teach them the right way they pretend intellectuel will try to put you dowm and you will do nothing.
in second hand there is another group the pretend higher class will eat you by acting that they are your friend and later on impose them on you.Zac you will be a stranger in haiti belive me. Most of haitian are trying to plin poche yo selman epi zafe pou lot. haiti is not like here when you are trying to involve in organization that can change a situation that doesn't look good for you.Zac haiti have enough people with high integrity that can change its face. Haiti have people in some state as senator, mayor or past, lawyers, doctor, as you know better than me hollywood stars, football players, basketball players, think about it if everyone of them passionate for haiti like you we could be like DR.
This is a reply to Msg 16261
Posted by Angie on August 8 2009 at 10:59 AM
Messages in this topic
Angie, Please calm down for a minute before you blow another gasket. Hold your horses my dear! Since you did not use any name, I don't quite know exactly whom your message is addressed to. I might be wrong, but I suspect you're addressing to ei
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Tiba, 6-Aug-09 9:11 am
Angie, I don't know if your post was addressed to me since it did not have a specific name, but since you posted right after me, I will respond and maybe the others will also respond to you. First let me say that you made the typical Haitian mistake;
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Linda, 6-Aug-09 9:21 am
Hi Linda, I need some advice on what school to attend. I can't put this thing off anymore I'd like to start in January, I was just grilled by my dad because of school. We went to visit my old mentortutor. He just graduated from a medical school in
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Zac, 7-Aug-09 1:22 am
Hello Angie, I read your comment and I agree that i have to read and listen to people. My grandparents are still alive and they are with us here in the US. I do listen to them specially my grandmother. She's always telling me about her life stories w
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Zac, 7-Aug-09 1:57 am
Correcting the parts that I wrote in two sentences from my last post. Usually, as this is a blog, I don't bother to correct these things, but this time, the errors really made the sentences unclear, and so I thought it best to fix them. The follow
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Linda, 7-Aug-09 6:33 am
Ok I'm at a lost here, how does this answer relate to my previous post.
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Zac, 7-Aug-09 10:53 pm
Zac I can understand your frustration as a young 22 year old At that age I was a recalle 2 times in philo.I do not try to put you down with your dream. however I like to see young like you who wants to involve in their country.Haitian mentallity is
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Angie, 8-Aug-09 10:59 am
I don't think President Jean Claude Duvalier would say something like that. I thing President Jean Claude Duvalier learned from his mistake. He was young and he did not understand anything when he was in power. My dad was working under his regime and
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Haitianjonas, 25-Aug-09 1:37 pm
Good day Brother All those words are beautiful, but right now our country is going down because of absence of leadership. We need a strong leader in Haiti right now Brother. So far we are far from that.Democracy does not work in Haiti. Not for now
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Doncarlos, 25-Aug-09 3:40 pm
Every time someone lavishes a few words of praise on Duvalier, conspicuously Doncarlos never fails to show up and concur. It's the only subject that interests him. I suspect he is perhaps a former Macoute who long for the good old days. Unfortunatel
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Zac, 26-Aug-09 1:45 am