Andrew Andy Thomas, You said "However, do you know that by...

Tiba says...

Andrew Andy Thomas,

You said "However, do you know that by renouncing their Haitian citizenship most Haitian who became a U.S. citizen through naturalization is not considered a natural born citizen?

Andy, even the cave man knows that. Are you educating me on that issue?

Andy I know that a person must be born on the US soil or on a US territory, or be born of 2 American parents wherever in the world in order to be a US-born citizen.

What is your point?

You also said "Consequently, naturalized U.S. citizens are not eligible for certain public offices such as the Presidency and Vice-Presidency of the United States."

Don't we all know that?

According to the US constitution only a US-born citizen can be president, but the constitution does not mention anything about vice-president.

Only common sense tells us since the vice president is the next person to the presidency in case something happens to the president, by all means, it makes perfect sense that the vice president be a US-born citizen.

So, what is your point?

You said "Most of them did not know that. Do they petition for the Americans to change their Constitutional Laws?"

Andy where have you been?

With all due respect, let me say that you are really out of touch with world event and the information age. If you were, you would have known that many members of the US congress have been talking about amending the constitution to allow naturalized citizens to become president since Arnold Schwarzenegger got elected governor of California.

Andy do you see the difference there is about competent people who know what's good for their country?

The government did not wait for the people to petition that change in the constitution, they (the government) took the initiative.

The US government doesn't see those who naturalized as threat to the United States, but rather as a big asset to the country and that's why the government wants to include as many people as possible into the process.

The topic is: Correction for my last post.
This is a reply to Msg 16212
Posted by Tiba on August 5 2009 at 10:31 PM

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Andrew Andy Thomas, You said "However, do you know that by renouncing their Haitian citizenship most Haitian who became a U.S. citizen through naturalization is not considered a natural born citizen? Andy, even the cave man knows that. Are you edu > >
Tiba, 5-Aug-09 10:31 pm
Andy Thomas With your anglo name... you are an idiot. There is not much to say to an halfwit like yourself. > >
Jean, 5-Aug-09 10:32 pm
Thomas, a human being you have every right to feel the way you do about the dual citizenship issue but I think you're wrong. Mark's answer to your post was brilliant, naturalized citizens are not the ones who want to have it both way it's you. Basica > >
Zac, 5-Aug-09 10:37 pm
Andrew, I am totally lost, man! You are against dual citizenship, you don't want any naturalized to exercise any political role in Haiti, but you want them to unite with you and others to sing "Pour le pays pour la patrie?" I just don't get > >
Tiba, 5-Aug-09 10:44 pm
Hello Mark, I didn't get a change to respond this morning because I was going to work. I just wanted to say that it is a great honor to be in the company of a descendant of a great man like Toussaint. I have great respect and admiration for Touss > >
Zac, 5-Aug-09 10:54 pm
No Thomas; actually I don't think anybody got what the heck that was all about. We all know what the constitution says, but as we saw in all other civilized nations, constitutions can be amended. My question to you was about the statement you made wh > >
Linda, 5-Aug-09 11:02 pm
Zac, I wish that I was Louverture's descendant, but I am not. I use his name as an alias sorry for the confusion. I agree with you. It is too bad that he has not given the recognition that he deserves in history. Anyone who defeats Napoleon the Great > >
Mark, 6-Aug-09 6:51 am
Linda, I don't know about you but I suspect that Andrew (Andy) Thomas is one of the Haitian hardliners who is against just about everything and anything that is good for Haiti, but doesn't quite really know why he is against it. He just knows that > >
Tiba, 6-Aug-09 8:19 am
I want you to understand alomst 70% those who are in power in haiti are diaspora or study outside of haiti. Dual nationality is not going to change the situation, for example look at primer minister latortue. he use haiti like when you live in city i > >
Dj Connection, 6-Aug-09 10:08 pm
Hello Mark, thanks for the clarification. There's really not much to say about myself I'm a 22 year old guy living in the US, I was born in Haiti though. I graduated high school but I haven't been to college yet. I come to this site because i love Ha > >
Zac, 7-Aug-09 1:34 am
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