tridu conp ok

Ayisyen says...

sorry i use the word (sh?t),did you view all the picture that were taking in "ti tanyen" did you see all the votes they found in "ti tanyen" which were preval's votes they throw away before counting.

"rayi chin an di dann blan".

yes i agree preval may have commit some crimes.

but like it or not, we the haitian people need a government that dont play with us, a mean one. cause some of us are hardheaded wont listen to authorities.

brother its the fact that all government commit crimes some do it in a smarter ways then others.

preval dont lie to the people, he tell them he can or he cant. so he is not one of the go get rich guys.
we are the problems of haiti, haitians in general.

we just dont understand each other the government themself cant change the country, they need our support.

we need to comply with authorities, we need to love one another.

if we can do that there be a better chance of success then putting everything on the government.

they are not god, its not like all they have to say is "change haiti" and everything will change.

preval did built roads, school, and other things so did aristide.

talking of "other nations x leaders dont leave their country" i agree.

but why our x leader leave haiti.

answer its because of us the haitians because we dont let the laws do their job, we take matters on our own hand. we need to stop doing that because some of our x's could have being helpful to the country.

what haiti need is a government that share power, respect other political parties.need to respect each others opinion, shouldn't hate each other because they think differently.

preval is doing good. he put security first on his agenda, you know and i know security must be the first step toward a better haiti.

without security we wont see a change.

if preval take the first step, lets hope the next president take the second step....

one step at a time, step by step we will get there.

lets support our governments ok. men anpil chay pa lou, an mache men nan men. lets be unted
after all we are brothers and sisters.


The topic is: IT'S TIME TO ACT
This is a reply to Msg 1607
Posted by Ayisyen on March 4 2007 at 1:38 PM

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To all Patriotes This is Yves Lonmaren from the Mouvement Ultra National Haitien ici en Allemagne. I have been absent for a few months but we still check the site out de temps a autre. We have just finished our report on the Dominican Republic ques > >
Yves Lonmaren, 28-Feb-07 11:02 pm
Yes Herrn Fritz Indeed they do want to invade us. we have proof in hands. In the 1930 a racist dirty Dominican President called Trujillo slaughtered more than 40.000 of our brothers.We must avenge that und Ich meine jetz... No one lifted a finger > >
Yves Lonmaren, 28-Feb-07 11:26 pm
je pense que les dominicains n'ont pas l'intentions de nous envahir, parceque pour envahir un pays cela coute beaucoup economiquement et humainement. Pour quel interset? Aucontraire le gouvernement dominicain aime la relation des deux pays parce que > >
Kid On The Block, 1-Mar-07 6:07 pm
Ti Roger, 1-Mar-07 6:35 pm
From 1996 to 2001, for the first time in our history, construction in Haiti was on the move. Preval has built the largest and the most beautiful roads in the country. The Ingineers did not do a good job on the roads, did not do a good mixed with ce > >
Robert Magic, 2-Mar-07 10:50 am
Can you even name the region or the department where the roads were built? How come the engineers did a so poor job and not been held accountable? Can you cite the names of the students who went to study abroad with the financial assistance o > >
Trebu Patriote, 2-Mar-07 8:20 pm
I am kind of busy with assigments I don't have to do a lot of researches. But I cut on past and article you can take time to read it carefully. I also want to say briefly Prval, during his first term, has built more primary scchool more than all pri > >
Pipppo, 3-Mar-07 5:45 am
i honestly think you full of sh?t, its seem like you wanna say preval stold the presidency or about 80% of the people living in haiti are chimes. because he is president cause the people elect him. they were trying to still the election from preval a > >
Ayisyen, 3-Mar-07 7:24 am
Next time, you need to show more respect and more civility in your reply. Try to be more polite. Try to stay cool. I understand it is not easy to participate in a controversial debate. But make an effort to face conflictual ideas with less emo > >
Trebu Patriote, 4-Mar-07 9:40 am
sorry i use the word (sh?t),did you view all the picture that were taking in "ti tanyen" did you see all the votes they found in "ti tanyen" which were preval's votes they throw away before counting. "rayi chin an di dann blan". yes i agree preval ma > >
Ayisyen, 4-Mar-07 1:38 pm
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