I agree with you I just read what you just say and I think I

I agree with you I just read what you just say and I think I should say something about it. I am living also in America.

I am thinking why they don't change the "constitution" to make it easy for people in the diapora to run for office in Haiti.

I understand when the wrote the constitution they had a lot of fear but time change, peolpe must change also.
I think also if they change the constitution many unqualified people we have right now in office will be out of job, so they will never agree to change it. This is a complicate situation for the politician in Haiti if the open the door to the diaspora they have a fear about their job. While Haiti needs help from all of us. Anyway let do what we can.

The topic is: Haiti and the future
This is a reply to Msg 16100
Posted by Clarus on August 1 2009 at 3:54 PM