haiti needs another duvalier type president
Doncarlos says...
Posted by Doncarlos on July 29 2009 at 10:18 PM
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Listen brother, Jean-Claude Duvalier was a French citizen before he was overthrown from power.He had inherited a political power from his father due to the fact Simone Duvalier the ex-fiancee of Luckner Cambrone could not have a son. Denise Duvalier > >
Wilbert, 23-Apr-10 12:37 am
Sir, you have no case by trying to push Jean Claude Duvalier agenda on the Haitian people. 1-Jean Claude spend 800 millions he stole from the Haitian people on white women,on casinos,fast cars and other extravaganza in Europe.Until recently he tried > >
Lucienne Delacroix, 23-Apr-10 12:56 am
The Arabs in Haiti are calling for Jean-Claude Duvalier's return and they are investing a lot of money into that, but that will not work. They may have to leave Haiti soon. If they continue to further this cause, I will call upon the Haitian masses > >
Wilbert, 23-Apr-10 1:13 am
Concerning Baby Doc and lots of women you may have him confused with Tiger Woods! Where did you come up with this figure of $800 million? How would you have any knowledge of women he has been with in Europe and his grounds for divorce from his wife > >
Earl Wheby Jr, 23-Apr-10 8:39 am
My son Wilbert, lets not get angry here and start tossing threats around about my destruction into many pieces, etc. because I have spoken the truth and simply made post agreeing with others who have made comments here calling for the return of Baby > >
Earl Wheby Jr, 23-Apr-10 8:58 am
I forgot to mention that in your post you made some true comments about Papa Doc. My understanding of the situation is that besides the bad things he did he did take power from some and gave more power to the black people and the reason Baby Docs mo > >
Earl Wheby Jr, 23-Apr-10 9:14 am
Just forget about Baby doc as president after Preval.This is a dead issue. Do not waste your time and other people time on it.The Haitians will never forget or forgive the Duvalier crime family for killing so many Haitians. I have nothing personal ag > >
Lucienne Delacroix, 23-Apr-10 10:27 am
Abas les Duvalieristes.Ils sont en majeur parti des criminels notoires,des assassins,sanguinaires,des gansters et des voleurs.Ils tuent leur propres parents et amis pour defendre les Americains.Haiti n'a pas besoin de militaires entrainer par les Am > >
Loline, 23-Apr-10 10:42 am
You do not need to wait for the Royal Greater Kingdom of Syria to be reestablished, you should go back to the country that you feel belong to help. Haiti will not need your help after you and your parents have destroyed it. Your parents' wealth is m > >
Jean Bertrand Legrand, 23-Apr-10 1:45 pm
Haiti needs a Tsunami and not another type of Duvalier. A Tsunami should come on board to wash those primitives in Haiti. Jean-Marie Lepenn argues that Haiti does not belong to those Haitian monsters. A Tsunami should wash them away... > >
Tipapa, 22-Jun-10 9:03 pm