Carlos, No, I am not running for president or chef seksyon


No, I am not running for president or chef seksyon, mayor, CASEC, or anything else in Haiti.

Some psycho by the name of Dr. something has stole my identity to promote his candidacy for president because he wasn't a man enough to use his own identity.

Carlos, I would agree with you with everything you said about Preval except respect and trust are earned.

Regardless he is president but he has to make some accomplishments for the country and treat his citizens as human beings with integrity and dignity in order for him to earn the respect he would deserve.

You don't show respect nor trust somebody because of the title the person carry or has, but rather by the deeds of that person.

If a person is a scum, a getho rat, that person relinquish his/her rights to gain any respect and trust from anyone.

You said that we should help him?

Carlos, Preval and all those who came before him never wanted help from Haitians nor they ever listened to what Haitians have to say about their country, and I am sure you know that.

They go to the massah (the master) whenever they need help, suggestions and advice.

The topic is: Gwo Lorbeyyy! Clinton' s office in Palais National
This is a reply to Msg 15823
Posted by Tiba on July 18 2009 at 6:53 PM