Gera Bougui, I knew you were going to find faults in my...
Tiba says...
Gera Bougui,
I knew you were going to find faults in my comment due to past grief we had, but I want you to know that I am not an scholar, and therefore, even the cave man would understand christal clear my message.
I wasn't advocating for either or. I was being general.
You said "If you were well versed in conflict resolution, you would understand that since 1986 and even before, the country has been polarized into Macoute and Lavalas, and the symbolic leaders of the two are indeed Jean Claude et Aristide."
I can see how you are so well versed in conflict resolution Mr. Bougui.
Your philosophical conflict resolution is about cherry picking Aristide and Jean-Claude as the authors of all Haiti's evil doing.
And therefore, your belief, according to your "conflict resolution" geniuse, once you get Aristide and Jean-Claude at the table everything will be just okey dorey and all Haitians who had suffered in the hands of Emmanuel Constant, Guy Philippe, Cedras, etc..etc..
will all of a sudden become good buddies and eat diri ak pwa together.
We all will become a big happy family because Aristide and Jean-Claude said so. Bougui, you are geniuse!
Mr. scholar Bougui, sorry, my bad!
You did not use the term "The only" exactly, but you used something close to that that I cannot remember, but reading between the lines that's what it means.
I think you said "there will be no reconciliation without Aristide and Jean-Claude.
I am Not a linguistic scholar, but I think the insinuation here means it is "imperative" that Aristide and Jean-Claude be part of the reconciliation process.
If so, then it means that their participation is "The only" possibility for reconciliation in Haiti.
Am I right?
You said "This is where you contradict yourself
"Haiti should belong to ALL and not just to some. Got it?" AND
"In that case, let us all agree there will never be a reconciliation in Haiti because Aristide and Jean-Claude will never, let me repeat it again for you, Aristide and Jean_Claude will never go back to Haiti.They will never put foot on the soil of Haiti again.Only Haitians who are in hallucination and delusional states who refuse to accept that fact of reality."
I was under the impression that you used "incompetence and mediocrity"in selected circumstances.
I told you that I am not a scholar so therefore it might take someone a longtime to understand what I tried to say.
Yes, I said, either Haiti belong to everybody, Aristide, Jean-Claude, Guy Philippe, Emmanuel Constant, Cedras, etc. etc...
and Not just to a few as you and Montresor have picked Aristide and Jean-Claude.
To have a true and transparent reconciliation everybody must take part.
Nelson Mendela did not pick a few to be part of the reconciliation in South Africa.
He had included everybody, all those who had committed the worst, the bad, the ugly and everybody who did good. He did not leave no one outof the process.
I guess Nelson Mendela was not well versed in conflict resoulution.
Like I said, if it is necessary to have Aristide and Jean-Claude as part of the reconciliation process.
like I said, if that is the case, there will never be reconciliation in Haiti because Aristide and Jean-claude will never come back to Haiti, not now not ever.
Mr. Bougui and president Montresor, it is very important that you 2 understand that "exclusivenes/exclusion" is a thing of the past. In this 21st century is about "inclusiveness/inclusivity/inclusion" if a country ever want to move forward, especially when it comes to "national reconciliation."
Case in point, Haiti is in this hell hole because of its cultural exclusiveness/exclusion.
What do you see is going on now?
The government keeps all Haitian citizens out of taking part of their country's internal affairs while bringing foreigners to take charge of Haiti.
Let's exclude, let's keep out, Cedras, Guy Philippe, Emmanuel Constant, etc..from taking part of the reconciliation process and allowing instead Aristide and Jean-Claude as big participants of the process.
Where is the contradiction Mr. Bougui?
The topic is: Haiti Les hommes de l'occupant par Stanley Lucas
This is a reply to Msg 15815
Posted by Tiba on July 18 2009 at 6:18 PM