Lunatic, You need to calm down before you blow a gasket! You...
Tiba says...
You need to calm down before you blow a gasket!
You need to understand that Emotion and Politics don't go together, and therefore, if you cannot take the heat then stay out of the kitchen.
Why should anyone give a rat *ss about this demanted Montresor just because he has been good to you and your family?
If you can collect all of that money to give to someone like Montresor, and really supporting his candidacy for president, it prouves how incompetent, mediocre, and uninformed you really are.
People like you were the ones who elected that brainless, no good, lame duck Preval to the presidency for a 2nd time knowing full well he did not accomplish squart for Haiti when he was prime minister and as president the first time.
Incompetence and mediocrity breath incompetence and mediocrity, pure and simple.
An incompetent and mediocre population will always elect incompetent and mediocre candidates into public office because they cannot establish the difference between incompetence and competence, and the know-how.
The topic is: Montresor 2011 Historic Executive Plan of Action
This is a reply to Msg 15682
Posted by Tiba on July 14 2009 at 8:04 AM
Messages in this topic
Rintintin, I have never felt so ashamed to be called a Haitian in my life. First off between my family and friends we raised $3000 to donate to Montresor for his tour to Florida. We were one of the only ones that went and saw him. If you love Ha
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Haitian Lunatic For Montresor, 13-Jul-09 4:01 pm
Haiti needs strong visionary leadership, and strong military structures to protect our sovereignty and pride against our enemies.? who are the enemies of Haiti if not the Haitians them self included his excellence Mr. Tiba?
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El Caribeno, 13-Jul-09 4:20 pm
Montressor se yon kandida machan'n peyi li ye. Why is it so hard for most Haitians to understand political science. It seems like the most simplistic of the sciences. All you need is common sense, It's not calculus, it's not trigonometry or different
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Zac, 13-Jul-09 5:48 pm
Lunatic, perhaps the fact that no one showed up should not embarrass you for Haitians, but instead should give you reason to think that maybe, just maybe, you are supporting someone that everyone else sees as wrong for Haiti.
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Linda, 13-Jul-09 9:41 pm
Lunatic, You need to calm down before you blow a gasket! You need to understand that Emotion and Politics don't go together, and therefore, if you cannot take the heat then stay out of the kitchen. Why should anyone give a rat *ss about t
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Tiba, 14-Jul-09 8:04 am
Tiba, Linda I'm going to run for president, I would appreciate it if you two would endorse my candidacy. Don't worry I'm very capable and over the next few days I will lay out my policies in complete details. (lol) I'm kidding ok. Seriously, as much
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Zac, 14-Jul-09 8:55 am
Zac That would be a significant undetaking, but understand that there are those kind of college/universities in Haiti already. My only beef and concerns when I hear and listen to people (anybody) talk about Haiti in term of education, the insin
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Tiba, 14-Jul-09 10:27 am
The truth is I know there are a lot schools in Haiti whether it's primary schools, secondary schools, or universities. But as you said, most of them, (including the private schools) do not offer Haitian students a decent education. Tiba you said
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Zac, 14-Jul-09 4:15 pm
Zac, I think that's the serious people oriented ideas that Haiti needs. As long as Haitians are uneducated the country will not move forward. Uneducated people make bad political decisions, and until Haitians are educated they will keep voting for lo
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Linda, 14-Jul-09 4:29 pm
A school like that will cost money to run and to get the best professors I'll have to pay them well. I know the majority of Haitians will not be able to afford the tuition. But to raise money for scholarships and grants I intent to create a phila
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Zac, 14-Jul-09 4:53 pm