The Dark Knight, You did not hurt me at all my friend. I told...

Tiba says...

The Dark Knight,

You did not hurt me at all my friend.

I told you that I found what you said was very funny.

In fact, I am glad you were back on the subject of "superstition" again because I have some info to pass on to you.

Well, I did some digging up to get some truth out and so I had the privilege talking with the executive director of the "Haitian Boko Association (HBA)" the other day.

According to the director, the Haitian government has spent millions of dollars in the past decades in an effort to modernize the technology to make the practice of Voodoo more user friendly and it paid off, he said.

The first big accomplishment of this new technology, he said, has to do with the "skin off" process.

As you know, longtime ago, you had to take your skin off and hide it in a "pilon" when someone is about to "vole lougarou" at night.

This was necessary in order to keep the skin safe from people with malicious intent to put salt on the skin which would prevent it from sticking back on the person's body.

So now, thanks to this new technology people can "vole lougarou" with their skin on. No need to take it off anymore.

The second phenominal achievement with this new technology, he said, is that longtime ago, boko could bring a dead persons from their graves and turn them into zombies only those who died in Haiti.

But now, regardless where those persons die on the planet, a voodoo priest (boko) can use this new technology to bring the deads fron their graves and turn them into zombies.

The director admited that Haitian voodo priests are the only ones in the world with that kind of technology, and it is the most advanced technology of its kind on the planet.

Haiti has made a lot of progress in the past decades.

So now you got it!

The topic is: Haiti The Fear of Superstition
This is a reply to Msg 15669
Posted by Tiba on July 13 2009 at 2:50 PM

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The Dark Knight, Retire nonm nan dan-ou tande, papa! You said "and Tibia, unfortunately, a politician wanna-be who has no Intel of the point." Actually Dark Night, that was funny, so funny that I laughed so hard that I wet my pants. Now I k > >
Tiba, 11-Jul-09 2:19 pm
Citizen Palafoi your comment about superstition was very thoughtful, but you also need to remember that for Haitians a lot of the fear is based on reality, on personal experiences they've had with the supernatural. Superstition is not always the m > >
Zac, 11-Jul-09 5:42 pm
I understand everything you said but the reason I enphasize on the fear of superstition is because I personally feel that it is cripling us. I am not just talking on the political sense, Tiba's comment only triggered my comment. We, as Haitians > >
Citizen Palafoi, 11-Jul-09 6:25 pm
Tiba, I never meant to hurt you. Pa Fe sa mon che. The Great King is coming. The Dark Knight > >
The Dark Knight, 13-Jul-09 11:34 am
The Dark Knight, You did not hurt me at all my friend. I told you that I found what you said was very funny. In fact, I am glad you were back on the subject of "superstition" again because I have some info to pass on to you. Well, I did some > >
Tiba, 13-Jul-09 2:50 pm
hi hi hi hi hi!!!! that was really funny Tiba. I grinned from ear to ear at each description. I will certainly pass the knowledge of these new technologies to those Haitians who keep creating all sorts of fake organizations in Haiti, so that they can > >
Linda, 13-Jul-09 10:22 pm
tiba do you really bielive in that shit. If you have good faith whether as chritian or any any kind of spirituality this shit doesn't exist > >
Lala, 14-Jul-09 6:02 am
Linda, We can sell this technology to Hollywood for billions, but again, will that leave us anymore Haitian friends? Will they accuse us of stealing their technology? Linda, in a more serious note, I have been trying to find a way to denounce t > >
Tiba, 14-Jul-09 7:44 am
Hi Tiba, I see how your killer jokes swifting in Linda's brain. Imagine if thousand others make it a belief, how will you measure the consequences? You talked about a scientific experiment without litterature. Unfortunately, your unfounded story i > >
Lavaud Desmoulins, 14-Jul-09 9:07 am
Dude Linda is joking, I get what you're saying but anyone who fails to understand this joke, well I don't know they need help. I bet some Haitian is going to read this believe it's true. I thought i was very funny, people shouldn't stop telling > >
Zac, 14-Jul-09 9:21 am
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