Montresor 2011 Historic Executive Plan of Action

Montresor 2011 says...

Posted by Montresor 2011 on July 11 2009 at 11:29 PM

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Zac, My diplomacy and political strategies is what it will take to run a country like Haiti with a strong military. 1-Military = war option 2-Military = peace option 3-Military = defense option And we cannot speak about military without the > >
Montresor 2011, 15-Jul-09 11:13 am
Montressor did you read my last response? In your last comment you said I was not taking the time to read your post completely. I have read everything! Like I said before every time you post something it's about a military you want to create. I c > >
Zac, 15-Jul-09 7:30 pm
Annie (=Montresor), I saw your post yesterday, but I was too busy to answer it. Tonight I'm kind of really tired and sleepy, and so I'm not sure I want to waist my time with someone who did not even bother to really get what I said. Annie (=Montresor > >
Linda, 15-Jul-09 11:08 pm
Linda, unfortunately I'm not montressor. I don't think I will never be. I 'm only base on haitian reality and try to integret it trough you. I don't know if I'right or wrong I read you biography once on this blog and it's seem you defend an haiti th > >
Annie, 15-Jul-09 11:41 pm
Zac, I am not sure we will ever be on the same page of this discussion. However I will be one of the best Presidents in the history of Haiti. Good night and may God Bless you my Brother! Sincerely yours, Montresor > >
Montresor 2011, 15-Jul-09 11:43 pm
Annie (-Montresor) I spend as much time in Haiti as I do in the state. My work is all about researching Haiti, so I probably know more about it and Haitians than most people. Your problem is that you seem to jump to conclusions without actually provi > >
Linda, 16-Jul-09 12:03 am
Montresor, why do I scare you so much. You use your real name with other bloggers, but you always use a different name to blog with me; as if I would fall for that. I said that I would stop you if you ran for the presidency, but so far, I don't see t > >
Linda, 16-Jul-09 12:12 am
Linda, my beloved! Why wasting so much of your precious time and energy trying to rationalize with Montresor? Anyone who understands the meaning of competence and the know-how would conclude that this man is a con and scamer who doesn't have t > >
Tiba, 16-Jul-09 8:07 am
Montressor, at least you got this one right. We will never be on the same page as long as you keep talking about creating a Haitian military to fight wars and use it to beat down Haitians to submission. Twice my aunts and uncles were beaten by Hai > >
Zac, 16-Jul-09 7:43 pm
YOU'RE SO GODDAMN STUPID. Honestly it sickens me to know that people like you still exist. > >
Notebookblogz, 16-Jul-09 8:57 pm
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