Montresor 2011 Historic Executive Plan of Action

Montresor 2011 says...

Posted by Montresor 2011 on July 11 2009 at 11:29 PM

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A school like that will cost money to run and to get the best professors I'll have to pay them well. I know the majority of Haitians will not be able to afford the tuition. But to raise money for scholarships and grants I intent to create a phila > >
Zac, 14-Jul-09 4:53 pm
Zac, the first thing you should focus on is going back to school yourself...can't run an educational institution if you don't know anything about it. But I do think it's a great idea. > >
Linda, 14-Jul-09 5:10 pm
Linda, let me tell you a secret about myself. Both you and Tiba have advised me to go to school and it's the best advice anyone could have given me. Trust me I will go to school. The reason I didn't apply to any schools for this fall is because I'm > >
Zac, 14-Jul-09 5:53 pm
Zac, You have a pretty aggressive plan and wish you could luck in this undertaking. It is not an impossible plan to accomplish if you really put your heart to it. After all, you are still young with a gizillion more years ahead of you. However, > >
Tiba, 14-Jul-09 7:38 pm
Montresor apparently you’ve been in the USA for a long time. Why don’t you consider becoming an American citizen and work your ideas to build American wealth because Haiti/Haitians will never accept or values your ideas. Look how Tiba, Linda, zac > >
Boulou, 14-Jul-09 7:59 pm
Boulou! Boulou! Boulou! This is politics and nothing personal. If Montresor cannot take the heat wh would need to get out of the kitchen. Some uninformed people in Haiti even here in the state could fall for Montresor and his nonsense plans. Th > >
Tiba, 14-Jul-09 8:31 pm
this website have only 3 educated people on it, tiba, Linda and now added zac. after all everyone log in this site is considere as unaducated. This is the kind of people who wants to change haiti. If you want to change haiti guys I wish you go there > >
Annie, 14-Jul-09 11:28 pm
Linda you want haiti to change without an army. haiti se tankou yon kay ki pa ginyin yon family fomdasyon. si nou besion haiti change nou supose ginyin yon armee epi yon ko police epi lot undercover. > >
Annie, 14-Jul-09 11:46 pm
In my case, I'm not against Haiti having an army, I'm against the type of army "machan'n peyi Montressor wa vle cree ya. I strongly oppose the type of army he wants to create, because Montressor wants to create an aggressive army that will be trainin > >
Zac, 15-Jul-09 7:18 am
Annie You said "this website have only 3 educated people on it, tiba, Linda and now added zac. after all everyone log in this site is considere as unaducated." I really don't know what to make of this statement whether it's an insult, a recog > >
Tiba, 15-Jul-09 8:02 am
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