Zac, Please do me a favor, will you? Stop rationalize with


Please do me a favor, will you?

Stop rationalize with this people about Bill Clinton's mission in Haiti if you don't want your blood pressure to go up to the roof.

Since the appointment of Clinton as "Special envoy" to Haiti by the UN secretary Ban Ki-moun, the "Haitian Information Booth" better know as "Haitian Teledjol" has been circulating 3 different types of missions of Clinton, and here what they are:

1) There is a group of Haitians who claim that Bill Clinton will be the ambassador at the UN represitning Haiti.

Keep in mind there is already a Haitian ambassador sitting at the UN, and there could not be 2 ambassadors.

Beside, Clinton is not Haitian and cannot hold any public office that is lower than the presidency office, according to the US constitution.

According to the US constitution, no former US president can run for any public nor hold any public office that is lower than the office of the presidency, which are governor, senator, congressman, mayor, abassador, secretary, so on and so forth.

2) There is another group of Haitians who are mentally impaired because they eat too much rice and beans and chicken wings, and this group claim that Bill Clinton will be the president of Haiti.

First of all, Haiti is not a US territory and Bill Clinton is not Haitian nor that he would dare become Haitian either.

Even if Haiti was a territory of the United States, no US territories can have a president because there can be only one president, and therefore all US territories are run by governors.

Remember that US constitution prohibites a former president to occupy any public office that is lower than the office of the presidency.

3) there is this group of Haitians who claim that my first cousin Bill Clinton will be managing the day-to-day operation/activities of the country.

This intellectual bankrupt moronic group claims that Bill Clinto be the one receiving all the millions of dollars promised by the foreign investors.

Not one cent will touch Preval's Hand.

Well, there is already an elected government in place in Haiti running the country.

So you see, these are all Haitians pulling these moronic claims out of "you know where" because these Haitian are too intellectually bankrupt therefore they are incapable to think rationally in any way to make sense.

Even the cave man is laughing at those Haitians.

The sad thing about it all, is the fact that they believe all the garbage they spilling all over to be the supreme true, and no one dares challenging their idiotic stories.

As of now, if Bill Clinton has a clear mission for Haiti nobody knows exactly what it is. However, one thing he(bill Clinton) said so far is that he is going to lobbyadvocate the investors to keep the promises they made to Haiti, meaning making sure the investors release all the money they promised to give to Haiti and to encourage foreign investors to move their factories and their sweat shops to Haiti in order to creat jobs.

So far, that's all we know!

The topic is: Gwo Lorbeyyy! Clinton' s office in Palais National
This is a reply to Msg 15620
Posted by Tiba on July 11 2009 at 10:18 PM