it's time to act

Cher compatriote...I wasn't trying to congratulate the president, i couldn't because i hardly know the man.However, im a proud haitian who's willing to try anything and everything to help my country to become a peacefull place for all haitians to visit come vacation time.That we do not have to go to jamaica or Brasil when we get tired.Give the man some credit(president),he's only been in office for no more than a year, you even said it"everything cant be done at once".we have a major issue in our hands right now, it will take a good 10 years before we can even start to breath some good did however have some good points in your response to me.i do agree that not having electricity isn't really an alternative for the president because without electricity there go our "SECURITY".Also, installing a couple of tolls in the country will help fix the roads and many more things.

by the way if your cousin is feeling guilty for not having to pay toll, he could always give his 10% to God.On the security issue, it's never going to be easy for any president even Bill Clinton to fix easily.You must remember my friend,"a man without food and education is a dangerous man"and haiti have a lot of them.Not to disrespect anyone but it's a fact. To put an end to my response to you, Haiti does have someone who can govern, we just have to help him out."It's not what your country can do for you, it's what can you do for your country.IT'S TIME TO ACT, LET'S STOP ALL THE TALKING.

The topic is: IT'S TIME TO ACT
This is a reply to Msg 1557
Posted by Fritz Guerrier on February 26 2007 at 11:15 PM