Loser of time, human money and resources in Haiti. The...

Solitario Rodriguez says...

Loser of time, human money and resources in Haiti.

The solution of Haiti is the update of the citizenship of Haiti by the one of the USA.
While the Haitian town does not choose a candidate who loves for Haiti he himself estatus politician of Puerto Rico. Haiti is going to continue being the limosnero of the world, in Haiti we will continue seeing Haitian trying to arrive illegally at the USA.
The problematic Haitian in inequality base cannot be solved.

Which is that inequality?

Haitians with citizenship of the USA and Haitians without citizenship of the USA.
In God We trust.

Simpatizante Cuba Estado Libre Asociado de USA

Perdedora de tiempo, dinero y recursos humanos en Haití.

La solución de Haití es la actualización de la ciudadanía de Haití por la de USA.
Mientras el pueblo haitiano no elija a un candidato que quiera para Haití el mismo estatus político de Puerto Rico. Haití va a seguir siendo el limosnero del mundo, en Haití seguiremos viendo haitianos tratando de llegar ilegalmente a USA.
No se puede solucionar la problemática haitiana en base de desigualdad.

¿Cuál es esa desigualdad?

Haitianos con ciudadanía de USA y haitianos sin ciudadanía de USA.
En Dios confiamos.

Simpatizante Cuba Estado Libre Asociado de USA.

The topic is: Bill Clinton Is Going To Haiti Monday
This is a reply to Msg 15415
Posted by Solitario Rodriguez on July 9 2009 at 1:40 PM

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First of all $335 million is a big chunk of money. I Thinmk President Clinton should send someone from the american government that he trust to Haiti to meet with President Rene Preval, and stay there to supervise everything in other to make sure th > >
Duchatelier, 8-Jul-09 12:47 pm
Woodline mwen pa pale anglais si w vle kenbe kontak ak mwen ekrim an kreol > >
Datus Ernst, 9-Jul-09 9:34 am
Loser of time, human money and resources in Haiti. The solution of Haiti is the update of the citizenship of Haiti by the one of the USA. While the Haitian town does not choose a candidate who loves for Haiti he himself estatus politician of Puerto > >
Solitario Rodriguez, 9-Jul-09 1:40 pm
Well, there's hope. It's about time they honor their promise towards Haiti. Hope ti pep la will finally benefit from all this. > >
P D, 10-Jul-09 9:52 am
i think is great? thas's a good idea > >
Josellande, 10-Jul-09 9:56 am
je pense qu'Haiti aura une chance pour la premiere fois dans son histoire de tester le gout du developpement. et la misere du peuple Haitien diminuera si reelement les pays amis decident de nous aider dans le domaine du developpement; ce que les autr > >
Amonnon, 10-Jul-09 9:57 am
| TOURISME Haiti : Le Canada reduit son niveau d’alerte pour ses voyageurs a destination d’Haiti Poste le 10 juillet 2009 Apres l’effacement de la dette d’Haiti a son egard, le Canada annonce avoir revu a la baisse le niveau d’alerte « e > >
Bagayyodouemarche Hpn, 10-Jul-09 10:22 pm
I hope people wise up in Haiti and stop the corruption, but every government in every country has corruption. If the money aiding and assisting any country doesn't stop forming as kick-backs to dirty politicians then there will never be a prosperous > >
T T, 13-Feb-10 9:28 am
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