President Preval Drives President Clinton

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The topic is: President Preval Drives President Clinton
Posted July 8 2009 at 7:50 PM

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Eso es una amistad verdadera. espero las cosas siempre queda igual, para un nuevo Haiti. eso es un chiste. segun alguien que preval dejo ser presidente, ahora es Bill clinton.que te parece.felicidades mi presidente preval. > >
Destima Jean Elie, 10-Jul-09 7:34 am
That is a shame, how come Preval does not have a private chauffer or a limo... for the former president to ride in, or even for himself while he is in office you will never see Obama driving himself around not while he is the president, maybe after > >
Rza, 10-Jul-09 7:44 am
I think it's cool to see two presidents, president preval and president clinton, taking a drive in Haiti. I am sure they are surrounded by heavy security and this is something that President Bill Clinton will never forget. > >
Ti Mal, 10-Jul-09 8:16 am
Luko Adjaffi, 10-Jul-09 9:34 am
I trovre that this is a proof of love, brotherhood and unity, there is nothing wrong in the. > >
Beni Soinite, 10-Jul-09 10:02 am
it's funny to see preval driving clinton > >
Balthazar, 10-Jul-09 10:55 am
You think so, i dont know... maybe. yea there were alot of UN around i saw some of the pics on yahoo. > >
Rza, 10-Jul-09 11:08 am
The President of Haiti is now Slick Willie's driver. Now Preval has a real job he is Bill Clinton's driver. joe gourgue, ft lauderdale, fla > >
Joe Gourgue, 10-Jul-09 11:08 am
Ralph, 10-Jul-09 11:38 am
Hello how are you,my name is cophy,my opinions with mis derscouyang renepreval I dont think preval,know istoric of haiti,why preval president of haiti he dont Have personality,why preval act like animal,why preval have animal face why Preval dont ha > >
Herold Cophy, 10-Jul-09 11:44 am
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