Seriously!!!!!!!! what the hell does this mean that is what is

Seriously!!!!!!!! what the hell does this mean that is what is wrong with our country this person wrote this in french I bet you most people who read this does not understand this crap. we are haitians we speak creole! writing in french or speaking french does not make you any smarter than the rest of the population, it just makes you an a$$hole if you think speaking or writing french makes you an intellectual.

(Il falait s'attendre à ce que cela arrive un jour, puisque aucun haitien ne peut retablir des meilleurs conditions de vie pour son peuple comme sous les Présidents Magloire et Estimé.

Alô blan ap escyé pou'l wè sil kapab.

Bonne chance pour Haiti.)

Bonne chance to you, haitians like you are the countries problem.

The topic is: Gwo Lorbeyyy! Clinton' s office in Palais National
This is a reply to Msg 15514
Posted by Prettypierre on July 7 2009 at 4:23 PM