What is this fool doing in Haiti in the first place? His
What is this fool doing in Haiti in the first place?
His presence is dubious to me. Why should we ever trust a white man?
We have a government in Haiti, therefore their responsibility to gather enough strength to tell this M F to get the hell out of there.
When you let a bully get his way, he will never stop. I am responding to all of you who are welcoming this occupation, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES.
Our ancestors who fought with their blood for our freedom must be turning over in their graves right now. Everyone before Preval is blamed and everyone after him will be blamed for our economic failure as long as the west keeps meddling into our affairs.
Do you guys have the slightest idea of the role the IMF bank and globalization are playing on our economy?
Do you guys know that, after Haiti receives its loan from the IMF, the Haitian government is restricted to what to do with the money?
For example, they are not allowed to build new roads, new schools, and new irrigation etc..--in a word, no basic necessities capable to help the nation are allowed to explore.
The day that the loan is signed, the government is paying a dollar for every dollar without even getting the fund yet. The system is designed to force the third world nations to fail. Then they are labeled as corrupt.
Through globalization, Haiti does not decide who to trade with. The west decides our trading partners, what goods to trade and the price of our goods.
In the eyes of the west Preval is considered as a supervisor taking order, not a head of state.
It's always easier to blame our presidents instead of the real culprit.
Remember people...Preval's hands are tied up like others before him. Now listen to me, all of you. Are you really welcoming the same people who have been conspiring for centuries to impoverish our nation?
Do you actually believe that they have good intention?
Wake up and smell the coffee!!!
The topic is: Gwo Lorbeyyy! Clinton' s office in Palais National
This is a reply to Msg 15480
Posted by Kinshasa Bamako on July 6 2009 at 7:37 PM