What do you think my friend? For a good while now Haitians

What do you think my friend?

For a good while now Haitians were crying they need a next American Occupation.

Now they get it they have to embrace it.What do you think again, as I said before if they are lending you their money, they need to know how the money is going to spend.So, if we want improvement let them help us do it without a bloodshed.Our case is not like Irak but more delicate as we all know. So no more personal bank account in the Swiss bank for those inmature politicians.

Believe me give them a short time to prove something if not, we can have the whole wide world as witness they (Americans) have fail us. Remember Obama's slogan "we can".He wants change everywhere.Look at what is going on in Cuba.Haii is not exmpted from Obama's change .I deeply approve it.Let us hope Preval will be an optimist like me and share the office with him and learn some little tricks from Clinton as well. (se mwen ki di'l)

The topic is: Gwo Lorbeyyy! Clinton' s office in Palais National
This is a reply to Msg 15480
Posted by Max Mills on July 6 2009 at 2:54 PM