I agree wiht everthing you just said... but you have to

I agree wiht everthing you just said...

but you have to understand our people think beeing in the U.S easy everything fall of a tree starting with money..if you was to tell a haitain dont come to America it hardwork and labor, he/ she will say oh oh...

u just dont want to bask in your glory stop hating for real..

you have to understand we are not like the PR, or Guam..for haiti to be like the U.S it was going to take dedication, patient, hardwork and teamwork..

not to mention the ones that have all ready beeing Deported back to haiti, for all the wrong the doing.

there is no way, the U.S is going to allowed those people back in the states.

again i dont haiti is ever going to be like the U.S because we have nothing to offered the U.S, i am pretty sure whatever the U.S wanted their propably allready have it. have a great ill be waitng for your response...

The topic is: Haiti to become American Territory
This is a reply to Msg 15476
Posted by Rza on July 6 2009 at 12:57 PM