I am not angry at Baby Doc but had only heard and read that...

Earl says...

I am not angry at Baby Doc but had only heard and read that his down fall was caused by his former wife and Ernest Bennett.

I also read that his mother was unhapppy he had married that woman and that he was going against everything his father Papa Doc had stood for standing up for the common black man and not the so called elite.

I don't think Baby Doc himself was resonsible for his down fall but had been lead around by the nose by othes.

keep in mind I am not from Haiti only lived and worked there and care about the country and want to see the quality of life improved for the average person.

I was ashamed I had worked for Ernest Bennett not knowing of his past as many who were born and raised in Haiti speak of his past. I just sort of "drove up" one day and landed at the airport and looked down the runway and saw the new (new at the time) little general aviaton building at the other end of the run way, walked down and landed a job because I have a commercial pilots license.

I am really not qualified to get deeply involved in the political affairs of the country.

But I do think with good leadership Haiti can have a bright future and as mentioned in previous posts at least you don't have enemies like the U.S. ready to drop nuclear bombs on you and gas you! Baby Doc has learned his lesson and I doubt if he will ever marry a high yellow again.

The topic is: Haiti to become American Territory
This is a reply to Msg 15386
Posted by Earl on July 1 2009 at 4:17 AM

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Wilkesse: First, let me just say that I am not sure what it is that you want to know about me. When one ask another person to tell them about themselves, they are usually trying to find out some specific things. For example, do you want to know about > >
Linda, 10-Jun-09 10:05 pm
Good Afternoon Linda, Nice to read your e-mail. I do not think that I need to know about you as a person but as a visionary woman if you accept so. If you want you can tell me about you as Haitian and/or american. In fact, I would you to confirm > >
Wilkesse Dorcinvil, 11-Jun-09 3:57 pm
Dorcinvil, I have some friends who are very close to Preval, but I promise you that you do not want me to be the one to put you in touch with the man. He knows I hate him, and his predecessor Aristide, for what they did to my country. As for bein > >
Linda, 11-Jun-09 6:21 pm
Good Evening Linda, Thank you so much for sharing such information with me. I used to speak with some political personality ( Pastor Chavanne Jeune,Washington Ambassador, MR. RAYMOND jOSEPH) about Haiti but not President Preval. I am 40 year > >
Wilkesse Dorcinvil, 15-Jun-09 7:20 pm
i just want to tell u that Haiti is not u think, Haiti is a country wich belong to the Haitian people, any other nation can come to explore is tresor trust me that u will die one bue one.Haiti is the most mystical country. we will shine on day we > >
Confesol, 28-Jun-09 8:09 pm
What happened to Ernest Bennett? How about Baby Doc? Where is he now and how does one contact him? > >
John Anders, 29-Jun-09 12:04 am
This is a just a lot of shit you fool. Who started these false rumors? The best hope for Haiti is Baby Doc to return. How does one make contact with Baby Doc? > >
John Anders, 29-Jun-09 12:09 am
It wouldn't be that bad if the US take over Haiti. we call ourselves independent, but we can not even stand on our own. I really don't give a crap if that happens. better for the Haitian people. I'm only worried about my pretty haitian girls that mig > >
Mysterious, 30-Jun-09 4:30 pm
Why are you mad at me? What did i do? here is the number for baby doc sakes 1 800- baby-doc > >
Zodevan, 30-Jun-09 9:06 pm
I am not angry at Baby Doc but had only heard and read that his down fall was caused by his former wife and Ernest Bennett. I also read that his mother was unhapppy he had married that woman and that he was going against everything his father Papa D > >
Earl, 1-Jul-09 4:17 am
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