I listen to Rush Limbaugh on many occasions despite all...
Zarien Krab says...
I listen to Rush Limbaugh on many occasions despite all negative things I heard about "that" man. From what I heard from his mouth and read from other people, including many of his republican supporters, I could formulate my own opinion about him and ultimately I agree with many of his critics who believe that the man is above all a racist, a drug addict, a pedophile indulging himself in exploiting young Dominican boys, a prostitute lover and of course, a closeted homo! He is one of the most despicable creatures who happened to have some influence on a lot of people.
He is "A thrice-divorced, drug-abusing, Parkinson's-mocking, cigar-sucking egomaniac, a poster boy for meanness, overindulgence and excess.
" He will surely die of AIDS or drug addiction!!!
The topic is: Rush Limbaugh Biography Please read it!!!
This is a reply to Msg 14893
Posted by Zarien Krab on June 30 2009 at 11:45 PM