Linda, It's all fair that I ate all of that diri ak pwa by
It's all fair that I ate all of that diri ak pwa by myslef, but I can send you a little bit by UPS. The plantains
And yes, Michael Jackson just died of cardiac arrest (not heart attack).
While I was at a Dunkin Donnut around 4 PM drinking some coffee, it came on the news that he was taken to the hospital.
That's really a sad day to the music world and to all of his worshipers.
This is another reminder that we should never take life for granted because we can die at any moment in split of a second.
Although I never liked his music because I couldn't never understand what was saying, but I am in disbelief that he dies.
The topic is: Bill Clinton mission start up date!!!!
This is a reply to Msg 15307
Posted by Tiba on June 25 2009 at 6:08 PM