Tiba; a president may not have a Harvard degree to run a...
Linda says...
Tiba; a president may not have a Harvard degree to run a country.
He does however need a Ph.D., from a top university.
If he does not have that, than he needs to have valuable proof that he can and will have the wisdom to surround himself with the best educated people who will help him make his important decisions.
You said that Bush had a college degree.
But you forget that Bush only had that degree because he is a Bush, not because he earned or deserved it. We all know that because we know that he was a "C" student.
In college language that means that he was an "F" or at best a "D" student, who was given a "C" because he was a Bush. If Bush was a "C" student his grade would have a "B" average--just because he is a Bush. But Bush wasn't just cretin like Preval, he, just like Preval, lacked character, pride and dignity.
Before he became president he was a complete alcoholic who constantly embarrassed his family.
He begged his way out of the Vietnam war like the coward he is. And he, like Preval, never really gave a hoot about the people he governed.
So, in a way your right Tiba, a college degree is nothing if it is not earned and if it is not accompanied by wisdom and experience.
This is a reply to Msg 15066
Posted by Linda on June 11 2009 at 12:26 PM