Robert magic, can you please contact me? My email address is...
Tibobdenazareth says...
Robert magic, can you please contact me?
My email address is still tibobdenazareth at
This is a reply to Msg 124
Posted by Tibobdenazareth on June 11 2009 at 11:43 AM
Messages in this topic
It seems to me that some people here are probably paid to say good things about President Preval.The truth is his first term in office was a disaster. Someone said that Preisdent Preval built roads and homes in the country.Give me a brea > >
Max Johnson, 27-Apr-09 10:29 am
Robert magic, can you please contact me? My email address is still tibobdenazareth at > >
Tibobdenazareth, 11-Jun-09 11:43 am
Tiba; a president may not have a Harvard degree to run a country. He does however need a Ph.D., from a top university. If he does not have that, than he needs to have valuable proof that he can and will have the wisdom to surround himself with the be > >
Linda, 11-Jun-09 12:26 pm
Hi Tiba, I tink there is a solution for the problem Haiti is experiencing. The solution should be as follows: Eliminate the current constituion, stop all kind of elections in Haiti for the next 25 years, a commity of international dignitaries to put > >
Jn Carl Celestin, 28-Jan-10 12:06 am
Jn Carl Celestin did you live in P-au-P when you were yonger? Were you a student at St Jean L'Evqangelist? If yes I know who you are because we were in the same class. Cette affaire d'eliminer la Constitution est une aberation. Pas de constitution, p > >
Robert P. Toussaint, 28-Jan-10 8:56 am
uhm!!! let me think "you must be on drugs or something" or maybe you got paid to post those idiotic comments. > >
Dondy22us At, 28-Jan-10 9:22 am
Robert je comprends votre sentiment vis-a-vis l'affaire de l'abolition de la constitution que je propose. Mais savez vous aussi a cause de l'incompetence et la corruption qui font partie integrale et intrinsecte des haitiens il est impossible de trou > >
Jn Carl Celestin, 29-Jan-10 12:37 am
i have only one questions for i head from people you reafuesed to sign for lagonave vision could you close ur eyes to sign it not for u its for people whos leaving in the islind > >
Daduby, 18-Jul-10 1:04 pm