Excerpt from Independance 2011

Gera Bougui says...

In the region, countries are in a vehement struggle for predominance and hegemony.

Other rich and powerful countries have understood the complexity of the situation, and refrained for a long time from close involvement.

Reaching a compromise surpasses the human understanding.

What drives these conflicts?

What motivates Al Qaeda?

Some interesting questions that require a great deal of attention! One of the best approaches resides in the ethnic and religious aspect of the quandary.

Somehow Saddam Hussein was able to control the spread of ethnic discord and religious intolerance, the two vicious underlying causes of "sectarian violence".

The insurgency movement in its debut was indigenous.

As controversial as it may sound, the movement was relatively insignificant during the Saddam era. In spite of the impressive deployment of military forces and the surge, tribal power struggling continue to cost innocent lives.

The United States of America is now on the verge of exhausting all military approaches to an increasingly challenged war that yields infinitesimal satisfactory results.

Many well advised minds have for over six years decried the strategies that call for more and more military actions, not because they condone terrorist actions nor preach a show of weakness to the universe, but because they understand that conflicts are multifaceted phenomena that require a clear dissection of the notions of position and interest.

They understand that collaborative conflict resolutions call for objective listening, and a good grasp of the context and emotions behind the conflict.

Oppression and compromise are false alternatives to conflict resolution.

The same goes for the conflicts between Israel and Palestine, and recently between Russia and Georgia.

In addition, the United States has repeated that pattern of behavior several times in Haiti.

A republican president usually implements policies that favor Macoute whereas a democratic president's policies often align with Lavalas in Haiti.

The topic is: Rush Limbaugh takes on Haiti/Clinton
This is a reply to Msg 14731
Posted by Gera Bougui on June 4 2009 at 10:57 AM

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Please don't over react about these stupid comment from that idiot, because he's words had no value. Just remember that this guy is even want to see his president fail. Don't spend your time. > >
Jean-francois Turenne, 4-Jun-09 8:51 am
In the region, countries are in a vehement struggle for predominance and hegemony. Other rich and powerful countries have understood the complexity of the situation, and refrained for a long time from close involvement. Reaching a compromise surpasse > >
Gera Bougui, 4-Jun-09 10:57 am
Not every ignorant comment deserves a response. Please, let's not encouage this being by engaging him. > >
Judi, 4-Jun-09 10:58 am
Not every ignorant comment deserves a response. Please, let's not encouage this being by engaging him. > >
Judi, 4-Jun-09 11:00 am
I agree with Tony, we have to come together and make a strong statement regarding these comments. > >
Lady L, 4-Jun-09 4:10 pm
Fellow brothers and sisters, I would not pay any mind to what Rush Limbaugh says. This pill-popping,drug pusher is merely using hate speech as aphrosidiac to satisfy his ego, er his alter ego or other personalities. You know what drug can do to th > >
Anse A. Foleur, 4-Jun-09 6:36 pm
Mr. Limbaugh flatters himself if he believes a Haitian prostitute with AIDS and any other diseases would want him! Want HIM????? > >
Victoria, 4-Jun-09 9:23 pm
One more haitian hater who identify himself.Haitians didn't fabricate aids.If he's serious about what he said,that's a shame.In this case,he does need to reeducate himself quickly about aids.Everybody wants to be famous by denigrating or killing hait > >
James, 5-Jun-09 8:22 pm
Well, as you call us the poorest country in the emisphere, where do you think we find the money to bring this deaseses to planet earth? actually" you are the socceball player"stand in front of amirror with a bible in you left hand and swear it out l > >
Hermione Joseph, 7-Jun-09 12:29 am
To Rush Limbaugh, that is an dumb statement to make. Every country has some negative about them. Why don't you be a humanitarian and help better Haiti. If you don't any good to say or do for Haiti just shut up. > >
Marie Mendes, 7-Jun-09 6:52 pm
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