Loreus, the only person I see making a difference in Haiti is...
Linda says...
Loreus, the only person I see making a difference in Haiti is the Mayor of Petion Ville, Lydie Parent.
Maybe you might want to pitch your idea to her. she might be able to use it for her region.
I suggest that you go to Haiti and make the necessary contact.
I learned a long time ago that, in Haiti, if you want to get anything done you have to be on the ground.
Good luck.
The topic is: Infrastructure pour Haiti
This is a reply to Msg 14934
Posted by Linda on June 2 2009 at 12:18 PM
Messages in this topic
Loreus, the only person I see making a difference in Haiti is the Mayor of Petion Ville, Lydie Parent. Maybe you might want to pitch your idea to her. she might be able to use it for her region. I suggest that you go to Haiti and make the necessary c > >
Linda, 2-Jun-09 12:18 pm
ous avez tous raison. On ne peut developper un pays sans les infrastrutures, quand aura-t-on un aeroport international dans le grand sud et le grand nord. Je pense qu'on peut faire ca avec l'aide de tous les haitiens en offrant un opportunite aux Hai > >
Jean Fran Ois Vilhomme, 2-Jun-09 2:47 pm