Haiti Orphans

Tom Murphy says...

My wife and I work with an orphanage in Port au Prince.

We want to help the older orphans age 17 and 18 as they leave the orphanage to enter the world.

Our mission is to bring them to the US for 2-4 years where they will learn English and a trade.

These young people will then return to Haiti as productive adults to help build a better country.

We are having a difficult time obtaining visas for these kids. It seems to be very difficult to get the proper documents for them to leave Haiti.

The boys live at Maison de Lumiere (Child Hope International) in Port au Prince.

We want to help them and more young people from your country.

Thank you for your consideration on their behalf.

Posted by Tom Murphy on June 1 2009 at 7:23 PM

Messages in this topic

I am a single healthy 63 year old women living in holland mi. From 92 to 99 i lived in honduras where i took in and cared for street children. When my funds ran out i retured to the us. I want to give the rest of my life to service. to helping child > >
Judy Harthorn, 7-Jan-11 1:51 pm
Yes, I do indeed. But I need to know about you and what have you been doing. In what capacity you would like to work. What is our educational background. Tell me more about yourself. > >
Marjorie Middy, 7-Jan-11 2:26 pm
Tom, You need to go to US consulate office in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, to apply/requestthe visa(s). Welcome to Haitian world! American people always believe that Haitians can hop on a plane to US legally anytime they want to like those white > >
Tiba, 7-Jan-11 2:57 pm
There are many opportunities in Haiti. We worked w/ Child Hope International (childhope.org) in Port au Prince. You can contact them through their website. They are a Christian organization and do a great work. God Bless. > >
Tom Murphy, 7-Jan-11 3:06 pm