change is a certainty in life

Mark says...

Our beloved Haiti is poor economically but she's not sterile.

Fertility is one of her rich attributes.

If any one of her children rejects her she will bear thousands more. I moved to the United States as a kid and during my high school days I remember being ashame of the fact that i was Haitian, I went through the phase where I didn't want to speak creole or admit that i was Haitian.

Well i've grown up now, i'm wiser and i'm returning to my roots.

My goal now is to find ways to contribute and improve the state of our country and our culture.

We should not be troubled by those who turn their back on Haiti for every one of them there will thousands who honor Haiti.

Amidst the endless hardship, brutality and chaos we can at least rest on the fact that we are a strong people;resolute on survival.

We have survived slavery, occupation and after countless year of predatory leaderships we're still standing.

We are disoriented by these shocking events but we're not broken.

No doubt things are darkest now but dawn is at hand. Amelioration is imminent.

We are a capable people.

We just need to stop accepting mediocrity, and learn to hold ourselves and our leaders accountable.

God has not condemn us to perpetual failure.

The topic is: Sicherheit in Haiti
This is a reply to Msg 1485
Posted by Mark on February 18 2007 at 9:34 PM

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Toutes les fois qu'un orateur s'adresse a une assemblee c'est son devoir de parler une langue que l'assemblee comprend. Dans l'esprit de la civilite, il etait irresponsable que vous employiez une langue que vous savez que votre assemblee ne comprend > >
Mark, 18-Feb-07 7:52 pm
Our beloved Haiti is poor economically but she's not sterile. Fertility is one of her rich attributes. If any one of her children rejects her she will bear thousands more. I moved to the United States as a kid and during my high school days I rememb > >
Mark, 18-Feb-07 9:34 pm
Ayant trouve le blog PREVAL dans le Internet et souffrant depuis des annees de ne pas pouvoir visiter mon pays, j’ai dirige mon message uniquement au President Preval (Leave me a message) lui demandant respectueusement de faire tout ce qu'est... > >
Marl Ne Kiehl, 19-Feb-07 1:31 pm
Merci de votre reponse amicale. Moi et les autres ont mal compris vos intentions; acceptez mes excuses. Cet blog donne a un nouveau visiteur l'impression que le president lit les messages, mais je pense qu'il ne sait rien concernant l'existence de > >
Mark, 19-Feb-07 3:33 pm
Why don't you do something better other than speaking trash (site admin says: It's not trash, it's German!) > >
Kaka, 21-Feb-07 3:56 pm
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