Linda I get amazed everytime I see people addressing Preval on


I get amazed everytime I see people addressing Preval on this blog looking to have some kind of personal meeting/conversation with him about everything and anything they intend to do in Haiti.

It seems to me these people want to prove their importance and superiority by wanting to meet with/talk to Preval about their little projects.

It just blows my mind!

Mark, even if the group of students from South Florida University had the best plan in the world to change the school system in Haiti, you still would not have to seek a personal meeting/talk with Preval, you would have to address the minister of education.

Preval is the president, that's true, but Preval is not in charge of everything nor that he gets involved in everything anyone wants to do.

What would Preval have to do with some groups from South Florida University wanting to have a summer program in Haiti?

None whatsoever!

As Linda just mentioned, if South Florida University is interested in having/creating a summer program in Haiti, all depend on the nature of the program, the group needs to connect with some "Non Government Organizations" (NGOs) in Haiti, or some grassroot organizations, some church or local leaders for that.

I am somewhat skeptical about the will of South Florida University intention to have a summer project in Haiti anyway.


Well, Mark said that they want to start the project in June, and yet, this May 31st and the group is still waiting to here back from Preval, which will never happens and theere is no further effort made to make connection with other organizations in Haiti.

Mark, can you tell us what the project is entailed and what kind of end result you expect from the initiative?

Depending on the nature of your project, have you, or anyone else from the group, been to Haiti making an assessment on the location where you intend to do the project and making sure the project will be successful and beneficial to the local people or not?

This is something that should have been done a longtime ago.

I am only questioning the organization skills and abilities of these South Florida University's students.

That's all!

The topic is: Haiti-Project Summer 2009
This is a reply to Msg 14896
Posted by Tiba on May 31 2009 at 9:19 AM