Well Linda, I would be glad to get as many people that I could

Well Linda, I would be glad to get as many people that I could to be involved in Haiti.

There is nothing for me out there to gain, I am just motivated by the spirit to get Haitian involve on causes that could benefit our community in Haiti.

Of couse I would like the Haitian President and the Government to be aware and provide better atmosphere for those who want to volunteer in Haiti, not just for my good deed. If you have a critism, make it in a constructive way by sending me an email because I have try other alternative contact, but I never get any response yet. If you have something in mind, share it in a positive way.

The topic is: Haiti-Project Summer 2009
This is a reply to Msg 14896
Posted by Marc on May 31 2009 at 2:32 AM