Max, you might want to contact the Consulate office in Miami...
Bonsamaritin says...
Max, you might want to contact the Consulate office in Miami or the Minister D'outre mer. They would be better off helping you getting in touch with the right people.
The topic is: Haiti-Project Summer 2009
This is a reply to Msg 14894
Posted by Bonsamaritin on May 30 2009 at 5:59 PM
Messages in this topic
Max, you might want to contact the Consulate office in Miami or the Minister D'outre mer. They would be better off helping you getting in touch with the right people. > >
Bonsamaritin, 30-May-09 5:59 pm
Mark, why did you write to the president on this blog; did you just want the rest of us to know that you are doing this good deed? It seems to me that if you are organizing something like that, and in affiliation with USF, than you should know that t > >
Linda, 31-May-09 12:59 am
Well Linda, I would be glad to get as many people that I could to be involved in Haiti. There is nothing for me out there to gain, I am just motivated by the spirit to get Haitian involve on causes that could benefit our community in Haiti. Of couse > >
Marc, 31-May-09 2:32 am
Linda I get amazed everytime I see people addressing Preval on this blog looking to have some kind of personal meeting/conversation with him about everything and anything they intend to do in Haiti. It seems to me these people want to prove their > >
Tiba, 31-May-09 9:19 am
I am very familiar with the international travel or project policies colleges like SFU. That is why I am not sure that I believe that Mark's project is through the university, or its students. The way this kind of thing usually works on campuses is t > >
Linda, 31-May-09 10:52 pm
Mark, I think that having a project to help Haiti is great. I just think that a person should not pretend to be doing something that they are not. There are thousands of people working in Haiti, trying to help. We've had some great ones discuss what > >
Linda, 31-May-09 10:59 pm
hold one guys. Don't just through punch like that.This get nothing to do with the univesity by itself, it was just my personal initiative. I have been in contact with a friend in Haiti who is an Ingeneer who works at the department of Agriculture in > >
Marc, 1-Jun-09 6:02 am
Marc, you are a dishonest individual. This is what your first post said: "We are an organization at the University of South Florida, in Tampa, FL." This is what you said in your new post: "This got nothing to do with the univesity..., it wa > >
Linda, 1-Jun-09 11:12 am
LOL, you just don't get it. The organization exist at USF but it does not represent the University, nor taking any action in the name of the school. It just exist as a student organization at the school. The University does not give any money for the > >
Marc, 1-Jun-09 12:03 pm
Marc, you wrote to the President of Haiti with the claim that "We are an organization at the University of South Florida, in Tampa, FL," are doing a project in Haiti. Nowhere in your statement did it say that the university was not involve, you actu > >
Linda, 1-Jun-09 12:42 pm