Linda, Yes, father Jean-Juste was in deed a very good...

Tiba says...


Yes, father Jean-Juste was in deed a very good samaritan who helped thousands of Haitians in Miami.

I had the privilege to meet him once in his office in Miami.

May he rests peace and be with God and all of the angels in heaven.

My prayers and condelences go to his family.

Father Jean-Juste will indeed be missed.

This is a reply to Msg 14862
Posted by Tiba on May 29 2009 at 5:39 AM

Messages in this topic

Linda, Yes, father Jean-Juste was in deed a very good samaritan who helped thousands of Haitians in Miami. I had the privilege to meet him once in his office in Miami. May he rests peace and be with God and all of the angels in heaven. My praye > >
Tiba, 29-May-09 5:39 am
It is truly a sad day for us Haitian living abroad as well as in in Haiti. We have lost A Great Leader. Rest in Peace Dear Ftr. Jean Juste. the batton has been handed down the race is ours to finish as we vow to continue where you left off. Salutatio > >
Xavier, 29-May-09 12:05 pm