Zac - In conclusion of our long draining fruitless debate, you...

Tiba says...

Zac - In conclusion of our long draining fruitless debate, you finally managed to distort my character beyond imagination.

Read your post again to see the long list of accusation you made against me because we cannot agree on one issue/subject, and yet, you keep talking about fairness and understanding.

To accuse me of insulting others, taring other down who disagree with me pove that you have not read all of my post and misread the few that you have read. I don't come here with that purpose.

I come on here to debate, argue, and voice my opinion and express my views about the things that matter to Haiti and the Haitian people.

Unfortunately, there are those who chose to attack me and insult me which left me with no other choice but to fight back. Like you said before about yourself, I am no push over and I am no body's door mat.

I am civil to those who are because no Haitian on this blog can claim to ba more Haitian than others just because we cannot agree on an issue or a subject and that's what debade is about.

The purpose of Debating is not to convence other to agree with you, but rather to make sense about an issue or a subject.

If others happen to agree with you then more power to you, but that is not the objective.

You said "For the record Tiba I still think you're wrong is saying that all Dominicans are Racist.

And I'm betting your next barrage of attack will be on my mother."

Zac this is a prime example of double talk my friend.

Here, you are doing the exact same thing you are accusing me for, which doesn't make you any better than me. Like you keep saying that I am accusing all Dominicans of being racist, but you want to convince me that all Dominicans are not racist.

Think about it!

I said you were Dominican because you weren't clear in your statement.

You defensively said to me "So now you are an expert on my country, you cannot educate me on my country." You made that statement within the context or the scope of the issue at hand that led me to believe you were a Dominican.

And now you are upset because I called you a Dominican.

Next time try to be clearer, more precise, and more direct in your statement because it is not my job to find out what you mean or what you want to say or are saying.

And yes, I tare down, insulting, and calling Preval and his cronies every name in the book, and I admit that. This is how unsatisfied citizens with common sense take their frustration out. Government gets trashed out and insulted when they don't do what they got elected to do, and when they fail the people.

If that is what you are referring to, then yes, you are right otherwise you accuse me falsely and that is not cool.

See you around and No hard feelings!

The topic is: I got cut off by Haitian embassy in D. C.
This is a reply to Msg 14860
Posted by Tiba on May 29 2009 at 5:32 AM

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Zac and Tiba, maybe you should both let go of this one. You are both smart thinking Haitians. Yes you approach issues differently, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. It is not smart to get boggled down in a discussion that is really not moving > >
Linda, 28-May-09 4:18 pm
Linda, Zac, Tiba I agree. While we all have a slight difference of opinion, we all can agree it's a problem that needs to be addressed and fixed. I think it starts with justice for the guy who was killed. Have you guys seen the pictures? T > >
P.z., 28-May-09 4:56 pm
Zac, You said "So please do not presume to think that you're an expert on my country who can educate me about my country. Get off your high horse." Oh! I now understand where you're coming from, you are a Dominican and that makes perfect sense > >
Tiba, 28-May-09 5:13 pm
Tiba, Linda and P.Z. are right this argument is not getting anybody anywhere. Beside, I've read many of your comments and your style is to attack and provoke anybody you disagree with. With you it's whether your argument is fundamentally right or wr > >
Zac, 28-May-09 8:12 pm
Zac - In conclusion of our long draining fruitless debate, you finally managed to distort my character beyond imagination. Read your post again to see the long list of accusation you made against me because we cannot agree on one issue/subject, an > >
Tiba, 29-May-09 5:32 am
Tiba I understand you've established a reputation for yourself here. AKA the big guy who calls all the shots. Sure, I'm the new guy but I'm not here to dethrone anybody. Now you say I've manage to distort your character beyond imagination. Really, > >
Zac, 29-May-09 12:50 pm
Zac, first let me make it clear that I am not getting involve with this endless male shoving match that you and Tiba are having. So, although this is responding to something in that post, it has nothing to do with you and Tiba. You made a point t > >
Linda, 29-May-09 1:31 pm
Zac I did promise myself not to answer any more of your messages on this very issue, but I am compelled to repeal that decision and say something about this one. With all due respect, you now really "sound" like a kid. Go back and review the co > >
Tiba, 29-May-09 2:05 pm
Linda I say "Amen e Insiswatil" to that. That has always been my interst in any debate or argument that Have been in with anyone. I have an aquaintance who has a Ph.D who is extremely book smart, but the guy just cannot hold any discussion > >
Tiba, 29-May-09 2:29 pm
Guys it's true I don't have a college degree. Four years ago I got accepted into the University of Montreal, in Canada but I never went because the loan process fell apart, i needed a co-signer. Also, my parents didn't want me to go, they said it > >
Zac, 29-May-09 3:36 pm
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