Tiba let me just say that I'm a levelheaded guy. I do not say

Tiba let me just say that I'm a levelheaded guy. I do not say things to aggravate or attack you or anybody else for that matter.

That's not what a debate is about.

I don't take pleasure out of insulting and provoking people.

I believe in being responsible in the things i say.

It's not my intention nor was it ever my intention to insult you. But that doesn't mean I'm a push over or that I'm going to shy away from a spirited debate.

So please do not presume to think that you're an expert on my country who can educate me about my country.

Get off your high horse.

So you want me to say that because Dominicans have not taken to the streets to protest against the persecution Haitians face in D.R. that they all racists.

Clearly I don't need to defend a comment like that. It's not true. (simple)

If you are looking for reasons to condemn an entire population of people you will always find. That's why racism still exist.

You will find always a case to support the argument that All Dominicans are racists.

I've listened to quite a few disgusting debates between racist white people who say they can prove blacks are ignorant and incapable.

It's always the same their entire argument is based on specific cases.

They pick and choose a few specific cases where some blacks messed up and they want to use it as evidence to condemn a whole race.

That is exactly what's going on here.

The problem here is that you have already made up your mind. And you will always find evidence to support a theory that is flawed.

I'm not defending the abuse Haitians face in D.R. I simply do not want us to start using the same unfair and bias techniques to deal people in DR. We need to find real solutions.

If you're going to fight injustice you must fight it fairly because if you don't you open a door for an endless cycle of revenge.

That's what separate people like Martin Luther king Jr, Nelson Mandela and Gandhi these individual fought hard but they also fought fairly.

A lot people in the Black community don't like Bill Cosby because he's not afraid to speak out against the bad habits of blacks.

If we cannot be honest with ourselves and account for our mistakes and flaws then we will never change for the better.

You say you took offense to the general flawed comment Rush made about ALL Haitians being AIDS carriers because Haiti has been taking steps to reduce AIDS. I was offended because it was inherently untrue and racist.

Evidently you use the same logic to justice the lie that all Dominicans are racists.

Whether or not Haiti took actions to fight AIDS Rush's comment would have always been wrong and a lie. Because the fundamental truth is not all Haitians have AIDS. Whether or not Dominicans have not taken to the streets to fight for Haitian rights you cannot use that as evidence to condemn an entire people.

As far as your opinions, view, and assumptions are concerned you are no doubt entitled to it. But when justices deliberate they do it responsibly.

And their opinions, views, and assumptions have to fall within the boundaries of the law.

Anyone is entitled to their opinions Rush is entitled to his racist opinions but fair-minded people classify him as a racist because he's not responsible about what he says he believes his views are paramount.

Now you cling to the term generalize, the truth is you never generalized.

You explicitly stated that all Dominicans were racists.

That's not a generalization.

Racism is a subject that is limitless and you will always find evidence to support prejudice views, but it's sad when a man choose to down that road.

The topic is: I got cut off by Haitian embassy in D. C.
This is a reply to Msg 14843
Posted by Zac on May 28 2009 at 12:37 PM