Tiba from my experience whenever someone says "no offense or I...

Zac says...

Tiba from my experience whenever someone says "no offense or I don't mean to put you down", they are in fact attempting to offend you. I say attempt because no one here can question the level of my intelligence or education and for me to get offended would be absurd.

Any respectable debate has to be based solely on facts, not half truths, generalizations and exaggerations.

Last week we all took offense to the general and racist comments Rush made about Haiti.

Like you he thought it was appropriate and acceptable to use his "personal opinion/view/assumption/ and perception" to make his argument.

That is the problem when a debater to choose to use his personal opinions, views, and assumptions to embellish his argument.

It wasn't right when Rush did it and it's not right when you do it.

The flaw in your argument is that you think it's acceptable to use your opinions, your views, and assumptions (regardless of the inflammatory factor, regardless of whether it's right or true) to solidify your argument simply because you deem it right.

I'm sure Rush thinks it's OK and acceptable to use his racism, uninformed and extremism views to describe any group of people he disagrees with or that he doesn't like. After all it's freedom of speech right?

Like you, I'm not here to be politically correct.

I'm here to debate responsibly, I'm here to challenge anyone who explicitly choose to make extremist comments whether it's to the right or to the left.

The truth is I was being self-restrictive in using the term generalize.

You didn't leave any room for generalization you categorically said that all Dominicans were racists.

My analysis of your argument is that you think when it's you who make unfounded statements to validate your arguments is ok, but when it is the opponent he is wrong.

I call it wrong wherever i see it.

It's not my intention to shut you up or undermine your argument, but i will challenge it when i think it's extreme.

Finally I never said Tiba was ignorant or uninformed.

I explicitly said when a person begins to use specific facts to describe a whole group of people.

The opponent can easily defeat the other and make him or her look ignorant and uninformed.

Not only did i not say Tiba i never used the word IS either i said LOOK, there is a big difference.

I hope you take the time to respond and not sweep everything under the rug.

The topic is: I got cut off by Haitian embassy in D. C.
This is a reply to Msg 14834
Posted by Zac on May 27 2009 at 10:07 PM

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Now you're making more sense. I, too, acknowledged that bad things happens to Haitians in the DR. I never denied that. What I took offense to, was the blanket statement that all Dominicans hate Haitians. It's the same way, I'd take offense with a > >
P.z., 27-May-09 2:24 am
when I was in High School I took a class on how to debate and one of the things i learned was to never generalize or exaggerate in a debate. When a person begins to generalize and exaggerate statements he loses credibility. But not only that if y > >
Zac, 27-May-09 5:06 pm
Actually Zac, now your on to a separate issue. We are no longer talking about if Tiba was right to generalize or not. What you have now brought up in the discussion is the question of whether the terms "generalize" and "exaggerate" are synonymous to > >
Linda, 27-May-09 6:40 pm
Zac - there is unfortunately something about debating that you missed in your debating class. No offense, but maybe you we had skipped class that day. When debating your arguments do not have to base only on facts. There is what's called personal > >
Tiba, 27-May-09 7:18 pm
Linda i like that fact that you chose your words wisely. In reference to your examples you used the term MOST rather than ALL. Whether it's at the high school, Masters, or the Ph.D. level the definitions of generalization remain the same. Semantic > >
Zac, 27-May-09 8:29 pm
Tiba from my experience whenever someone says "no offense or I don't mean to put you down", they are in fact attempting to offend you. I say attempt because no one here can question the level of my intelligence or education and for me to get offended > >
Zac, 27-May-09 10:07 pm
Zac We seem to be going around and around on this subject and it's getting very draining and exhausting. Zac, I took offense to Rush to generalize ALL Haitians as AIDS carriers because Haiti has been taking actions over the years to reduce the > >
Tiba, 28-May-09 8:06 am
We are not saying that the people in the Dominican Republic do not like Haitians.The issue is whether or not there is a judicial system in the D.R. In civilized countries, the government is in charge of providing judicial services not the people. Wha > >
Georges Metellus, 28-May-09 9:43 am
Tiba let me just say that I'm a levelheaded guy. I do not say things to aggravate or attack you or anybody else for that matter. That's not what a debate is about. I don't take pleasure out of insulting and provoking people. I believe in being respon > >
Zac, 28-May-09 12:37 pm
let me tell some thing: he who want to say that all dominicans are racist is an ugly black idiot who think the fact he is black, it is the faute of some one. no, properly speaking haitian is more racist than dominican. what you take for racism in D.R > >
El Caribeno, 28-May-09 1:47 pm
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