P. z. I do understand where you're coming from, believe you...

Tiba says...

P. z.

I do understand where you're coming from, believe you me. You have a lot at stake because not only you're married to a Dominican woman but like you previously described you have some Dominican roots or close association and of course your view of the racism and hatred against Haitians in Dominican Republic is going to be different.

You accused me not knowing about Dominicans because I have never been there and have no plan to go there either as if we're talking about Dominican's culture and their values so on and so forth.

P. z. I don't know a whole lot about Dominican day-to-day way of life, the culture, their views about the world, but one thing I am sure of is that Dominicans do NOT like Haitians, they have a lot of hatred toward Haitians so much that express it all in ofrm of violence and mistreatment against Haitians living in their country.

How do I know that, you might ask. Well, it's all over the news almost everyday how Haitians are being victimized by Dominicans.

The entire world knows that except you. Just a few weeks ago, the Human Rights Commission issued condemnation to Dominican government about the way Haitians are being treated there.

How come you are not aware of that?

I am not making this up, man. Almost every day the Dominican government is deporting hundreds of Haitians in the most deplorable conditions.

It is all over the news man, don't you watch and follow the news, or do you pick and chose what news to believe and the ones not to believe?

C'mon, man! be honest with yourself because this is not a joke. We're talking about human beings being beaten, lynched, and treated in the worst condition by Dominicans in the Dominican Republic, and you saying that it is not really like we think it is over there?

Once again, I repeat, if the majority of Dominican are so accepting and tolorant of Haitians living in their country, why don't they take the streets in protest supporting the Haitian cause and call on their government to stop the violence perpetrated against Haitians?

Since you know Dominicans so well, why don't you tell me and the world why majority of decent Dominicans stand by and do nothing?

This is the kind of behavior that convince me to believe that they are ALL the same.

I am not interested in the history of Dominican Republic, its culture, and its society makeup because this is not the problem that Haitians living there are facing with. The Haitians living there are facing with sistematic racism, hatred, violence, and lynching in the hands of Dominican citizens.

And here you are trying your best to minimize it.

I don't care about light skin Dominicans engaging in romantic relations and vice-versa.

You want me to believe that because your light skin wife marry you as dark skin man, and others marry men from Nigeria therefore there can be racism?

Are you serious?

In that case then let me say as a black man with very dark skin from Haiti, I have been living with my white American girlfriend who is a nurse practitioner for the past 6 years, and I am saying there is no racism in the United States.

Americans are not racist like we have been told.

Is this a true claim for me to make that there is no racism in the United States or Americans are not racist just because my girlfriend is a white American?

The topic is: I got cut off by Haitian embassy in D. C.
This is a reply to Msg 14809
Posted by Tiba on May 26 2009 at 9:54 PM

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I see it's very easy to misinterprete my comments. I did not defend the horrible acts commited by Dominicans against Haitians. I was just saying that these kinds of discrimination happens wverywhere. It even happens in Haiti--yes, in Haiti. The > >
P.z., 25-May-09 10:48 am
It's true what you are saying, I think. The Dominican poeple is so smart men! the Douinican know well what they are and they force to make the difference, and there they are righ. it is the law of live: stand up for self and if I can,I'll help y > >
El Caribeno, 25-May-09 11:21 am
P. z. - You've done again! I did not misinterpret your comments. Both of your messages show clearly you are defending these people's criminal acts against Haitians. It's okay because it is your rights to do that. After all you are married to a Domi > >
Tiba, 25-May-09 3:06 pm
Tiba, He's not defending any criminals all he said is that not every Dominican is like that. And he's right. No doubt Haitians face institutional racism and extreme persecutions over there. When a government choose not issue birth certificate to > >
Zac, 25-May-09 5:05 pm
Zac, Zac, Zac, C'mon! don't do me like that. My job is to challenge through critical thinking. Go over both of his messages and read between the lines of his statements you will then realize he is defending the Dominicans racist, hatred sentiment > >
Tiba, 25-May-09 6:05 pm
I wasn't trying to say our relationship with Dominicans are all right. My gripe with your sentiment is that you seem to think that all Haitians are afraid to walk the streets of the Dominican Republic. I was just trying to tell you it's not true. > >
P.z., 26-May-09 12:39 pm
P.z. - I have never been to the Dominican Republic and I have no plan to put foot there either. P.z. I uderstand all of that cultural difference of the Dominican Republic and thank you for the lesson/info, I appreciate it. However, you seem to be > >
Tiba, 26-May-09 3:48 pm
Tiba, I'm not here to argue with you. I'm here, however, to correct your false blanket statement that all Dominicans are racist toward people of dark-skin. I know many Dominican people. I used to go to Washington Heights in uppper Manhattan all th > >
P.z., 26-May-09 8:50 pm
P. z. I do understand where you're coming from, believe you me. You have a lot at stake because not only you're married to a Dominican woman but like you previously described you have some Dominican roots or close association and of course your vi > >
Tiba, 26-May-09 9:54 pm
Actually the statement Tiba made, that all Dominicans are racist toward people of dark-skin, might be a bit exaggerated, however, it is not that far from the truth. If the shoe fits, than own it. Prior to the 1980s, it was not an exaggeration to say > >
Linda, 26-May-09 11:23 pm
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