Yes, it will be very nice for haiti, it will be an attraction...
El Caribeno says...
Yes, it will be very nice for haiti, it will be an attraction subject for tourist to visit, Yes it will be nice an funny to see a president of Haiti making speech with an interpreter at side, I think it will be so funny thousands of housands foreigners will visit Haiti in one year, and it will be a good idea for Aristide who will come in 8 yeas, he will speak in Lesoto: akuna matata
The topic is: My Fellow Haitians I Montresor need your help!
This is a reply to Msg 14785
Posted by El Caribeno on May 26 2009 at 12:03 PM
Messages in this topic
Ditto what Ggvikay said. Zac, this Montresor guy has been trying to scam people on this site for years. I found out years ago that he is part of one of those right wing missionary groups who are trying to infiltrate the Haitian government system in o > >
Linda, 20-May-09 12:43 pm
I visited Montressor's web page. I read the policies he's proposing and it's incredible. Although I give him some points because it seems like he actually sat down and formulated a plan for the country if he were to be elected. The majority of the ca > >
Zac, 20-May-09 6:41 pm
Zac, After reading your posting, I had a few questions to ask you so that we could clarify what you meant. I see that you took the time to go through my plan and policies to give me an honest and unbiased opinion. I would like to know why you > >
Montresor 2011, 23-May-09 12:42 pm
with 4 presidents like Preval, in 20 years Haiti can be where Dominican but with 3 presidents better than Preval that will take 15 years. That means if sine the exile of Jn Claude Duvalier in 86 we had this stability and governement moving w > >
El Caribeno, 23-May-09 1:20 pm
Montresor I respect the fact that you have a website which describe your executive plan of action. I admire that because we at least know where you stand. Even Preval a former president didn't think to do something like that when he ran for his seco > >
Zac, 23-May-09 3:55 pm
Zac, It seems to me there only 3 people on this blog with the wisdom and brain power capable to challenge Mr. Montresor for his presidential bid of 2011 and they are: you, Linda and myself. What I saw on Montresor's website is a 15 points plan > >
Tiba, 23-May-09 8:32 pm
Zac, Thanks for answering my post promptly however I will not disclose any privilege and detail infos to your questions for the following reasons. I spent over 20 years of research, evaluating, planning long term infrastructures solutions > >
Montresor 2011, 25-May-09 3:03 pm
Montresor you really don't understand politics do you? How is somebody suppose to vote for you, if you will not disclose your plans in detail. Could it be because you don't really have sound plans and ideas. I get the impression that you feel enti > >
Zac, 25-May-09 4:29 pm
Montresor You have taken a huge step by laying out a plan. Now I need to hear you articulate and substantiate that plan in public to a crowd of constituents. It does not have to be a huge one. With the help of the internet, you could broadcast that > >
Gera Bougui, 25-May-09 7:32 pm
Yes, it will be very nice for haiti, it will be an attraction subject for tourist to visit, Yes it will be nice an funny to see a president of Haiti making speech with an interpreter at side, I think it will be so funny thousands of housands foreign > >
El Caribeno, 26-May-09 12:03 pm