All Haitians should not have to be called to judgment for the
All Haitians should not have to be called to judgment for the mistake of one. However, I do agree that, this will put a more negative light on Haiti.
Rush is a fool that no person with common sense should listen to. His racist and ignorant comment about not picking up a prostitute in Haiti for fear of aids is very insensitive.
Frankly, Haitian prostitutes don't like fat pigs! I am confident that Bill Clinton will a great job. Clinton is far better man and a greater accomplisher than Rush would ever hope of becoming.
Rush is a very lousy and jealous thing.
I would not listen to racist and fat drug addict who has no control over the things he says. What is Rush's talent anyway?
Being a loud mouth!
The topic is: Rush Limbaugh takes on Haiti/Clinton
This is a reply to Msg 14731
Posted by Rodeline Paul on May 23 2009 at 11:32 PM