Rush Limbaugh takes on Haiti/Clinton
Tiba says...
Reacting to ex-President Bill Clinton's appointment as UN special envoy to Haiti, radio personality Rush Limbaugh had this to say yesterday:
"I'm just gonna tell you, if I was named envoy to Haiti, I'd quit government.
Envoy to Haiti?
You can't even pick up a prostitute down there without genuine fear of AIDS."
More ammunition have now been given to Rush Limbaugh and to his radical right wing racist, hatemongers, blood thirsty collegues to amount a case against Haiti by the capture of this Haitian terrorist the other day.
Laguerre Payen, who is a Haitian citizen, was amongst 3 other American citizens captured plotting to commit terrorist acts against the United Stsates.
I have 2 questions: 1) Will U.S. embark on a mass deportation of Haitians because of this Laguerre Payen's intention to commit terrorist acts in the U.S.?
2) will U.S. have to bomb Haiti and take Haiti out of her misery for producing one terrorist, Laguerre Payen?
What kind of punishment or retaliation that Haiti will have to face with from the United States for Laguerre Payen, a Haitian citizen with intentions to commit terrorist acts against the United States?
Just when I thought that we, Haitians/Haiti had enough already in our plate to worry about, the appointment of Clinton as special envoy to Haiti is causing Rush Limbaugh to tare Haiti down, and now this presumed Haitian terrorist just added fuil to the fire.
What do you people think?
Is this the beginning of the end of Haiti?
Posted by Tiba on May 22 2009 at 8:25 AM