the future of haiti
Sherley Desrouleaux says...
hello my name is sherley i was born in haiti raise in the united states honesty i don't what accomplishment you have had as the president of haiti i myself feel that haiti is doom from literacy to poverty in order for haiti to move forward we as haitian need to set aside our selfish behavior forcus on providing education for our youth i do too feel that we need stop treating each other with respect i will be entering haiti soon i hope to see whathaiti has become
Posted by Sherley Desrouleaux on May 11 2009 at 6:00 AM
Messages in this topic
Miss Sherley,You had made good point but when you said you will be there shortly,make sure You keep your expectation very low otherwise,you will be doubtless deceived.Obviously,if you are going to lock yourself in a hotel,you may never experience sad > >
Mr Traumas, 11-May-09 10:40 am
i know the reality of haiti haiti is the first black nationget their independence butwe are the poorest nation under educate and dying of poverty and neglect we once were consider the most beautiful country now we considered the most unsafe place > >
Sherley, 11-May-09 11:30 am
The future of Haiti is in Our hands. We Haitians, we have to be conscience about our situation, and willing to put our hands together. It is time for us to know, we are the path to our future. Since the time we've been asked for help, we obliged to o > >
Aladin Coine, 12-May-09 12:44 pm
you are right the path is in our hand but we must start where ever we lived i know for a fact that the haitian people i knew then and now are too different people we became more rude and disrespectful towards one another we have haitian man in gangs > >
Sherley, 12-May-09 8:15 pm
Worse: You have grown men in Haiti paying five to twelve year old girls and boys a few coins to have sex with them. If they had a conscience they would pull a few bills out of their wallets and send those little kids home or drive him or her to an or > >
Concerned Haitian, 12-May-09 9:00 pm
Hi shirley, Please Don't forget to E-mail me a post card when u return. Thanks > >
Mr Traumas59, 12-May-09 11:01 pm
i wonder would you say the same thing for american woman the choice to have a child is both consented by too individual. have you ever been in haiti do sent money to your family. The person you need to blame is not the kid its the adult in the Unite > >
Sherley, 13-May-09 5:45 am