You have a right to express your views

Mark says...

My brother there's a lot of people on this site who will attack you without provocation simply because you're excersing your freedom of speech right.

While I agree that we must be patient.

Our country has far too many problems for Preval or any president to fix during his term in office.

But that doesn't mean we should not be able to express our views about his government.

If you don't keep an eye the government they will become complacent and get nothing done. We have to remind them that the situation is dire and that they can't be taking it easy. Freedom of speech is the bed rock of any democratic society.

I have said time and time again that we're too depend on foreign aid. We have to find a way to get things done ourselves.

The government cannot do it alone but i believe if they provide the security people will start investing in the private sector; which will create jobs for the average haitian.

As it is right now noone will invest when they're worried their safety and the safety of their business.

The topic is: That's was a pretty harsh respond!
This is a reply to Msg 1443
Posted by Mark on February 14 2007 at 12:00 AM

Messages in this topic

My brother there's a lot of people on this site who will attack you without provocation simply because you're excersing your freedom of speech right. While I agree that we must be patient. Our country has far too many problems for Preval or any pres > >
Mark, 14-Feb-07 12:00 am
What's destroying Haiti is people like you and I and many others that went to study abroad and never return. The Young and Educated are the future of the country but if they don't return it will stay the same. The only part of Haiti this kidna > >
Jean Batiste, 14-Feb-07 10:24 am