MR Exantus, I am also very upset to see how our president was

MR Exantus, I am also very upset to see how our president was rudely treated by Pres. Obama.
To be honest, I don't know the protocol on how one head of state should approach another.
Many of us did not know! Preval should know and he would save us from this painful embarrassment.
Many of our Haitians brother see nothing wrong with the way he was treated, because of a their deep disgust for a this man who practically does nothing to bring Haiti from economic disaster, social chaos, crime, inflation, unemployment etc.! One of our problem as Haitians, we are too polarized; our fanaticism and hate for our opponents blind us to the point to lose reason, and ignore what binds us together: Haiti.
MR Obama enjoys an indescribable popularity among Haitians, yet, his attitude toward Preval is hurtful.
However, many of us refuse to acknowledge his disrespectful, biased attitude toward the head of state of the first nation who against all odds defied the most powerful nation on earth at the time; our brother instead of calling obama's attitude what it is, they engage in calling Preval all kinds of names under the sun. Believe me I am no friend of Preval...However, I would like him to be treated as head of state when he represent us. Shame on the ones who thing that the " God Obama" is above all! He's walking the same path like his predecessors, or maybe even worst.
I can't remember any american president doing this to any head of state!