What happenned in Trinidad was too bad!But, i don't think it's...
James says...
What happenned in Trinidad was too bad!But, i don't think it's a duty for any haitian to denigrate your president, whether we like it or not Préval is our president.I, personally nothing will make me denigrate my president, just because i'm eating chiken in the U.S.Therefore, i won't join the denigration crew.Nobody's perfect, anybody can make a misstep anytime!Haiti is not an overseas department of the U.S.sO, DO NOT EXPECT ANY US PRESIDENT TO COME AND FIX HAITI FOR US, IT'S UP TO US ONLY US TO STAND AND CORRECT WHAT DESERVE TO BE CORRECTED.
WE HAVE A REPUTATION TO PRESERVE HEIRS OF 1804.Our ancestors didn't have no big diploma, and they achieved the independence of Haiti, but they did have the goodwill.
We must have the goodwill today so that we can save our dying, denigrating country!Calling our president names won't change the situation in Haiti, what we need is not people with big diploma, but without goodwill, what we do need is people with goodwill who can make things happenned for haiti even if we're not in power.Its time for change, to do so, it's not by denigrating each other, fighting each other, making new coup d'état, let the foreigners laught at us, because we're only good in doing things that can only move haiti backwards.It's time to make haiti move forwards.
Haiti can change if we do what we must.Stop pleasing haitian-haters, those who want to take Haiti from us.Our interests(haitians)must come first, nobody else's should, the interests of Haiti, our country must be on the top. Agriculture can make haiti move, let's do that!Let's count on us, not on others, that's what Dessalines, Toussaint,Christophe, Boukman,Makandal did!We can save our country if we want, our self-consciousness has to be in play.Our ancestors didn't go to washington for help, on the contrary, they help in Savannah.How great were we!We can be great again.Let's start working.It's no illusion, we can save our country with or without them. I stand by my president no matter what!
The topic is: Call Haitian embassy the closest to Preval!!!
This is a reply to Msg 14177
Posted by James on April 30 2009 at 6:46 AM