your comment was the comment i ever read man keep it up

Stanley Jules says...

your comment was the comment i ever read man keep it up

This is a reply to Msg 27
Posted by Stanley Jules on April 29 2009 at 11:28 AM

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Good day, Could you tell me if Mr. Preval is presently married? The answer is needed for a project on the recent summit attendees and their spouses. > >
Denyse, 20-Apr-09 7:53 am
your comment was the comment i ever read man keep it up > >
Stanley Jules, 29-Apr-09 11:28 am
I think Preval is waiting for the end of his mandate to go to enjoy his millions dollars house in Miami with his new wife. Preval never did anything for Haiti nor will he does something. Preval is not interested in Haiti, nor about the haitians. T > >
Janette, 15-Jan-10 9:28 pm
Aristide is a real man, and he's no way like Wyclef and Preval. Preval and Wyclef same. They just interested in telling what other nations want to hear, NOT what Haiti and Haitians people really about. I'm from Gonaives and I walk with head up. I k > >
Jean Pe Haiti On Facebook, 15-Jan-10 9:40 pm
rene preval kite peyi a pran yon souf paske ou vole trop kob chat visye grangou malprop san nen souf kout shit Rene preval leave the country let it breath you a voleur you greedy you mother fucking lavalas bitch > >
Jean Jeff Lens, 15-Mar-11 10:44 am
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