It seems to me that some people here are probably paid to say...

Max Johnson says...

It seems to me that some people here are probably paid to say good things about President Preval.The truth is his first term in office was a disaster.

Someone said that Preisdent Preval built roads and homes in the country.Give me a break.

Haiti now is the poorest nation of the western hemisphere because of politics instituted by governments like his who, to this day, refused to let the haitian diaspora maintain their haitian citizenship and therefore invest in the country.

Kidnappings are so common that even babies and schoolchildren are not sparred in Haiti.Yet in a country with only two two-lane main roads, the kidnappers continue their crimes with impunity leaving many to conclude kidnappings is a government policy to control the people and enrich itself.

Any observers will notice that the government finished its first term with the help of UN soldiers.The second term has been more of the same and this government will not survive one second without the presence of the foreign soldiers.

What has this government accomplished so far and what lies ahead?

A honest look to the situation of the country will show that there really is no hope for Haiti under such a government.

This is a reply to Msg 2
Posted by Max Johnson on April 27 2009 at 10:29 AM

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It seems to me that some people here are probably paid to say good things about President Preval.The truth is his first term in office was a disaster. Someone said that Preisdent Preval built roads and homes in the country.Give me a brea > >
Max Johnson, 27-Apr-09 10:29 am
Robert magic, can you please contact me? My email address is still tibobdenazareth at > >
Tibobdenazareth, 11-Jun-09 11:43 am
Tiba; a president may not have a Harvard degree to run a country. He does however need a Ph.D., from a top university. If he does not have that, than he needs to have valuable proof that he can and will have the wisdom to surround himself with the be > >
Linda, 11-Jun-09 12:26 pm
Hi Tiba, I tink there is a solution for the problem Haiti is experiencing. The solution should be as follows: Eliminate the current constituion, stop all kind of elections in Haiti for the next 25 years, a commity of international dignitaries to put > >
Jn Carl Celestin, 28-Jan-10 12:06 am
Jn Carl Celestin did you live in P-au-P when you were yonger? Were you a student at St Jean L'Evqangelist? If yes I know who you are because we were in the same class. Cette affaire d'eliminer la Constitution est une aberation. Pas de constitution, p > >
Robert P. Toussaint, 28-Jan-10 8:56 am
uhm!!! let me think "you must be on drugs or something" or maybe you got paid to post those idiotic comments. > >
Dondy22us At, 28-Jan-10 9:22 am
Robert je comprends votre sentiment vis-a-vis l'affaire de l'abolition de la constitution que je propose. Mais savez vous aussi a cause de l'incompetence et la corruption qui font partie integrale et intrinsecte des haitiens il est impossible de trou > >
Jn Carl Celestin, 29-Jan-10 12:37 am
i have only one questions for i head from people you reafuesed to sign for lagonave vision could you close ur eyes to sign it not for u its for people whos leaving in the islind > >
Daduby, 18-Jul-10 1:04 pm
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